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Recent Submissions
New (Im)possibilities for Agriculture and Domestic Services in Poland and Italy? Navigating Legal Solutions and Social Organisations’ Support for Ukrainian Women Displaced by the Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine in 2022
(Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami, 2023-09-20) Fedyuk, Olena; Kuliushyk, Ivanna; Lashchuk, Iuliia; Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA), University of Padua, Italy; Centre for Research on Social Change and Human Mobility (CRASH), Kozminski University, Poland; Max Weber Fellow, Migration Policy Centre (RSCAS), European University Institute, Italy
The aim of this report is to analyse the support provided to Ukrainian women in Poland and Italy displaced as a result of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The analysis focuses on the actions taken by social actors in the agriculture and domestic services sectors. Both countries have been facing labour shortages in these sectors for some time, with the gaps traditionally filled by migrant workers, including a significant number of Ukrainian workers. The main research question is: what forms of support have been provided to forced migrant women from Ukraine in the agriculture and domestic services in Poland and Italy, and has the presence of this new group of migrants contributed to addressing the labour shortages in these sectors? The analysis is based on analysis of secondary sources and the authors’ own research findings. We argue that the needs of fleeing Ukrainian women (especially those with children and other dependents) differ significantly from the opportunities available in the agriculture and domestic services in Poland and Italy, characterised by such structural problems as the irregular and seasonal nature of work and working hours, substandard accommodation available for the workers and a lack of work–life balance opportunities. Consequently, there is a need for a more diversified approach to integrating Ukrainian migrant women into the labour markets of the receiving countries. Additionally, it is crucial to adapt legal solutions and implement deeper structural reforms in both sectors to ensure that migrants are protected effectively from exploitation.
Polityka migracyjna "bez polityki". Antynomie tworzenia polityki migracyjnej w Polsce w okresie 2016-2022
(Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami, 2023-02-20) Łodziński, Sławomir; Szonert, Marek; Wydział Socjologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski
Artykuł skupia się na analizie ewolucji prac nad polską polityką migracyjną w okresie 2016- 2022. Pierwsza data jest wyznaczona przez wydarzenia związane z kryzysem migracyjnym w Europie (i jego politycznym odbiorem w Polsce) oraz oficjalną rezygnacją z programu polityki migracyjnej państwa przyjętego w 2012 r. Drugą datę wyznacza kryzys humanitarny na polskobiałoruskiej granicy (mający miejsce od sierpnia 2021 r. aż do dnia dzisiejszego, choć obecnie występujący już z mniejszą intensywnością) oraz skutki wojny w Ukrainie i przyjęcie uciekinierów wojennych z tego kraju w Polsce. W tym też czasie nastąpiła zmiana statusu migracyjnego naszego kraju z kraju typowo emigracyjnego w kraj emigracyjno-imigracyjny, głównie za sprawą migracji zarobkowych opierających się na dominacji migracji krótkoterminowych i cyrkulacyjnych (przede wszystkim z Ukrainy). W artykule zwracamy uwagę na podstawowe znaczenie braku określenia jednoznacznych celów polityki migracyjnej państwa oraz wyznaczenia zasad ich realizacji. Dotyczyło to przede wszystkim braku wypracowania kompromisu między celami związanymi z interesami gospodarki i potrzebami demograficznymi społeczeństwa a wąsko rozumianymi priorytetami zachowania bezpieczeństwa państwa. Rodziło to zarówno wewnętrzną konkurencję między poszczególnymi instytucjami w ramach administracji centralnej, jak i sprzyjało wysokiej wrażliwości politycznej prac nad wypracowaniem programu tej polityki. Jej efektem było to, że polityka migracyjna państwa przybrała charakter polityki publicznej „bez polityki” (ang. policy without politics), tj. prowadzenia konsekwentnych działań na różnych polach migracji (takich jak rynek pracy, polityka polonijna, ochrona granic i polityka uchodźcza) bez szerszej politycznej i oficjalnej dyskusji o jej celach w dłuższej perspektywie czasowej. Sytuacja ta sprzyjała również pojawieniu się antynomii w jej funkcjonowaniu polegających na rozziewie między głoszonymi hasłami bezpieczeństwa a rzeczywistym przebiegiem ruchów migracyjnych prowadzących do „nieintencjonalnych jej skutków” w jej funkcjonowaniu (Adamczyk 2021).
Key Trends and Practices in Diaspora Education Policymaking. Comparative Analysis of Three Countries: Poland, Lithuania and Hungary
(Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami, 2022-03-01) Popyk, Anzhela; Centre for Migration Research, University of Warsaw
Education policy constitutes a substantial part of the diaspora policies in Poland, Lithuania and Hungary. Though, the main aim of the education policy for diaspora is to establish ties with the diaspora members by ensuring access to the native language learning, transmitting the home country’s history, preserving culture and traditions. These pursue the superior purpose of bringing up ethnic identity and national awareness. This report evaluates and compares the diaspora education policies across three countries, with a spotlight on the post-accession emigration groups. The analysis indicates that Polish, Lithuanian and Hungarian education policies are built on formal and non-formal types of education, with little space for informal learning. Besides, the report showcases, the selectiveness of the policies in terms of ethnic and age groups of the diaspora. The paper ends with the suggestion on the directions to modify the educational policy towards making it more exhaustive by strengthening various forms of education.
Dual-citizenship as an Instrument for the Diaspora Policy. The Comparative Analysis of Lithuania, Hungary and Poland
(Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami, 2021-12-01) Popyk, Anzhela; Centre for Migration Research, University of Warsaw
The aim of this report is to present different types of dual citizenship regulations as a part of diaspora policy in three Central and Eastern European countries, Lithuania, Hungary and Poland. This paper presents an overview of current citizenship approaches and ways one can acquire or lose home state’s citizenship. Besides, it presents the analysis of political, public and academic discourse on the process of introduction of dual citizenship to the states’ diaspora, interior and foreign policies. The report ends with a comparative analysis of dual citizenship as a policy instrument in three chosen states.
Understanding Health-seeking Behaviors and Barriers to Healthcare Access Among Ukrainian Migrant Women Working in the Domestic Sector in Warsaw, Poland (a Qualitative Study)
(Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami, 2020-08-01) Levitas, Alexandra; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Research on migration and health shows that immigrants, especially those with precarious legal status, encounter barriers to accessing healthcare. In Poland, migrants’ interactions with the healthcare system remain understudied. This study begins to fill the gap by focusing on healthcare use and access strategies among Ukrainian migrant women working in the domestic sector, whose access to services remains uncertain due to legal status, circular migration patterns, and the informal nature of their work. This explorative qualitative study, based on 10 semi-structured interviews with Ukrainian migrant workers in Warsaw, found that women had difficulties accessing healthcare in Poland and that they often cycled through various insurance statuses. Women were found to deliberately navigate their healthcare options and to strategically use care in both Poland and Ukraine in response to systemic barriers and personal needs. The main barriers to access were lack of formal employment in Poland, healthcare costs, wait times, discrimination, inadequate tourist insurance, language, and fear of legal consequences. Facilitators included access to the national healthcare system, social networks, and the behaviors of some employers. This paper concludes that Ukrainian domestic workers skillfully leverage available access options, but formal employment remains the primary barrier to healthcare. Circular migration patterns and Poland’s lack of cohesive integration policies encourage informality and perpetuate dubious relationships with employers, often leaving migrants uninsured. Recommendations include creating frameworks for low-cost insurance schemes, creating better systems for formalized employment, and ensuring healthcare access is not neglected within the emergent immigration policies.
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