OPEN Repository

Welcome to OPEN - the Repository of Open Scientific Publications, run by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, previously operating as the CeON Repository. The Repository enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts.

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22946 archived items

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Wiek pracującego a jego wpływ na organizację czasu pracy
( Daniel Krzanowski, 2017) Turczak, Anna; Zachodniopomorska Szkoła Biznesu w Szczecinie
Zależność między wiekiem a czasem pozostawania bez pracy bezrobotnych w Polsce
(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2016) Turczak, Anna; Zachodniopomorska Szkoła Biznesu w Szczecinie
Discrimination on the grounds of age is an important problem of the Polish labor market. This problem is quite common. Stereotypical thinking and poor public awareness of older people’s potential do not support the proper use of human capital available on the Polish labor market. Depreciation of the elderly is noticeable in the recruitment processes as well as in the case of those who are working. The aim of the article was to answer the question, what is the relationship between the age of the unemployed and the time that he or she needs to find a job. The research was carried out on all registered unemployed in Poland. The analysis concluded that unemployment duration tends to increase with age, and this regularity is not accidental in nature and was demonstrated on the basis of eight consecutive years. In addition, it was noted that differences in the structure of the unemployed in terms of time of unemployment are not constant and decrease with the transition to the next age groups.