OPEN Repository

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Wieloletnie ramy finansowe na lata 2021–2027 i plan na rzecz odbudowy Unii Europejskiej – uwarunkowania negocjacji, przełomowe decyzje i perspektywa zmian
(Biuro Analiz Sejmowych, 2021-10) Sapała, Magdalena; Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego
The article reflects on the negotiations on the EU’s 2021–2027 Multiannual Financial Framework and the European Union Recovery Instrument. It gives an overview of exceptional circumstances surrounding the negotiations, broad scope of the legislative package negotiated, and complex decision-making process. The paper also examines the final agreement, in particular as regards the size of the new long-term budget, the shift in spending priorities, and changes in the way the EU actions are financed. The author concludes that despite many difficulties on the road to the agreement, some elements of the outcome can be characterised as groundbreaking. She gives some arguments that a departure from path dependency in financing of the EU is possible. However, whether or not the change is permanent, depends on the successful implementation of the decisions made. The Conference on the Future of Europe gives an opportunity to continue the debate on further reform of the EU finances.