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The republican information campaign “The Childhood without Cruelty and Violence” during the period from November 1 to November 19, 2015
(Zakład Historii Edukacji Instytutu Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2018) Achmetova, Laila; Kazachski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Al-Farabi, Fakultet Dziennikarstwa
Aim: The article presents the development of a plan of action aimed at increasing public awareness of strategies to counteract domestic violence within the family in Kazakhstan. Project objective was to draw public attention to a problem of the cruel and harmful treatment of children and to create in the society of a viewpoint in which cases of violence towards, and the ill-treatment of children becomes unacceptable and the life and wellbeing of each person, irrespective of age, level of development and social status, are highly significant and valuable and a priority in all respects, always and everywhere. Methods: The methodology of comparative-historical research; the methodology and technology of social research; social forecasting and design; a systemic and structurally functional approach in combination with a comparative-historical method and the analysis of statistical data, and also the study of the official documents characterizing policies of the international community and the state of Kazakhstan: legal regulation etc.; interdisciplinary methodology, mathematical and statistical methods and software for the handling of social information; content analysis and the high-quality analysis of documents; methods of comparative researches. Violence within the family – a universal phenomenon which is found throughout the world in different peoples and in different cultures. Violence in one form or another is observed in one in every four families. These figures prove that in Kazakhstan the problem of violence towards women is particularly acute. Today in 89 states including Kazakhstan, there are laws which are directly directed to combatting violence within a family unit. Despite this, an increase in the quantity of acts of violence against children is observed. The problem of child abuse is spread worldwide and concerns children from birth to 18 years of age. The available data on violence against minors is not complete, just as many cases of child abuse remain unreported. Results: – educational and methodical materials according to international standards are developed; – the studying of a condition of a problem in Kazakhstan at the legislative level and in practice continues; – the public are informed about violence within the family unit; – stereotypes concerning violence in a family change; – targeted groups of people who have undergone violence with the family, or those who are in a social dysfunctional family are trained. Conclusion: The practical importance of research consists in a possibility of the use of its results in the field of pedagogics, psychology, sociology, cultures and stories. Materials can be useful to social employees, journalists, political scientists, social engineers, teachers, students and undergraduates of universities. Recommendations: The results of research can be integrated into education and educational processes. The experience of Kazakhstan in the counteraction of violence within the family can be provided as an aid to the studying of the matter on the Euroasian space where people of different faiths and nationalities live and there are specifics and features of both eastern and western education.
Przemoc w rodzinie
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSG, 2018) Kaniewska-Mackiewicz, Ewa; Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy
Dom to miejsce, w którym powinniśmy czuć się bezpiecznie, w którym otoczeni jesteśmy miłością, zrozumieniem, akceptacją, wybaczeniem. Miejsce, w którym wzrastamy i odpoczywamy. Niestety nie zawsze tak się dzieje. Skala przemocy w rodzinie, pomimo istniejących form pomocy, nadal stanowi istotny problem funkcjonowania rodziny. Celem nadrzędnym artykułu jest refleksja, iż nic nie usprawiedliwia przemocy, w jakiejkolwiek jej formie, wina leży zawsze po stronie sprawcy, zaś brak reakcji na przemoc sprawia, że stajemy się jej biernym kompanem. Każda osoba doświadczająca przemocy ma prawo do przeżywania i wyrażania swoich uczuć, do gniewu, rozpaczy, bólu. Ma też niezbywalne prawo do ochrony najważniejszego atrybutu człowieka – życia