OPEN Repository

Welcome to OPEN - the Repository of Open Scientific Publications, run by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, previously operating as the CeON Repository. The Repository enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts.

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22945 archived items

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Social, Technological and Health Innovation: Opportunities and Limitations for Social Policy, Health Policy, and Environmental Policy
(Frontiers Media, 2022) Klimczuk, Andrzej; Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena; Felix, Jorge; Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie; Uniwersytet Warszawski; University of Sao Paulo
This Research Topic focuses on both strengths and weaknesses of social innovation, technological innovation, and health innovation that are increasingly recognized as crucial concepts related to the formulation of responses to the social, health, and environmental challenges. Goals of this Research Topic: (1) to identify and share the best recent practices and innovations related to social, environmental and health policies; (2) to debate on relevant governance modes, management tools as well as evaluation and impact assessment techniques; (3) to discuss dilemmas in the fields of management, financing, designing, implementing, testing, and maintaining the sustainability of innovative models of delivering social, health and care services; and (4) to recognize and analyze social, technological and health innovation that has emerged or has been scaled-up to respond to crisis situations, for example, a pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.
Ignorance as an outcome of categorizations: The „refugees” in the Polish academic discourse before and after the 2015 refugee crisis
(SAGE Publications, 2019) Horolets, Anna; Mica, Adriana; Pawlak, Mikołaj; Kubicki, Paweł; Uniwersytet Warszawski; Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
The article addresses the issue of the so-called refugee crisis in Europe from the perspective of ignorance studies and seeks to establish the mechanisms whereby ignorance is created through categorizations. We depart from the proposal of Proctor and view ignorance as either “native state,” “lost realm,” or “strategic ploy.” In all three, ignorance is an unalienable part of social action. The case of Polish academic research on refugees before and after 2015 is explored in order to establish who ignores what, when, and why, when categorizing, and to analyze the relationship between ignorance and social action. In the Polish refugee field, the crisis of 2015 was the moment when the refugee issue stepped out of the shadows and attracted the attention of the public and policymakers. The analysis of the category “refugee” in Polish scholarship before 2015 demonstrates that the category was based on culturalization and idealization; thus, the socio-political and pragmatic aspects of the group’s characteristics and actions were systematically ignored, and the ignorance worked as a “lost realm.” After 2015, a new body of scholarship emerges in which the category “refugee” acquires negative connotations with security threat or fakeness. In the new scholarship, ignorance is a strategic framing that sets the category of “refugee” outside the humanitarian issues. We claim that the new categorizations follow the logic of culturalization and moralization typical of the previous period. Strategic ignorance inherent in the categorizations that dichotomize “good” and “bad” refugees, or “refugees” and “migrants,” unlocks the potential for political action.
Wyjście z cienia. Polityka uchodźcza w sytuacji kryzysu
(Insty­tut Pracy i Spraw Soc­jal­nych, 2017) Kubicki, Paweł; Pawlak, Mikołaj; Mica, Adriana; Horolets, Anna; Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The article offers an overview of the European and Polish refugee policy before the so called refugee crisis of 2015 and the reactions to what has been defined as a critical situation . Prior to 2015 refugee policy has been carried out in the sphere of public ignorance and has not been an issue of public debate. In Poland this promoted the technocratic management and implementation of the EU policy. Stepping of the issue out of the shadows and the ensuing interest of public opinion resulted in the construction of exile as a social problem that calls for urgent policy making efforts. The dominant framing of its subject matter for the emergent Polish refugee policy has been security, while humanitarian concerns has been backgrounded. Stepping out of the ignorance sphere facilitated active reform, yet it also made some policy subject matter features to fall into the sphere of ignorance.
Zagospodarowanie przestrzeni i jego znaczenie dla polityki publicznej
(Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, 2017) Drozda, Łukasz; Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie; Uniwersytet Warszawski
Zagospodarowanie przestrzeni jest specjalizacją polityki gospodarczej realizowaną na poziomie lokalnym, regionalnym, ogólnokrajowym i ponadnarodowym. Cel opracowania stanowi przedstawienie tej tematyki jako newralgicznej części składowej współczesnej polityki publicznej. Artykuł omawia znaczenie i genezę instytucjonalnych działań wokół zagospodarowania przestrzeni w kontekście procesów związanych z urbanizacją w jej współczesnym kształcie, a także identyfikuje poziomy, dziedziny oraz narzędzia stosowane w ramach plano-wania przestrzennego. Opisano ponadto polski system planowania oraz zagrożenia mogące oddziaływać na zagospodarowanie przestrzeni. Opracowanie wykorzystuje analizę litera-tury przedmiotu, dane statystyki publicznej oraz historyczne i aktualne akty prawne dotyczące planowania przestrzennego. Jak pokazuje analiza przeprowadzona w ramach artykułu, polski system planowania jest nieefektywny i nie ogranicza w należyty sposób dysfunkcji współczesnej urbanizacji.
W stronę urbanistyki (nie-okcydentalnej). Generatywny wymiar urbanizacji globalnego Południa
(Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, 2017) Drozda, Łukasz; Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie; Uniwersytet Warszawski