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OPEN Repository

Welcome to OPEN - the Repository of Open Scientific Publications, run by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, previously operating as the CeON Repository. The Repository enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts.

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Bohater a naród
(Fundacja Servire veritati, Instytut Edukacji Narodowej, 2010) Tarasiewicz, Paweł; Katedra Filozofii KUL
The article indicates conditions of national heroism and criteria which a human must fulfill in order to deserve to be a hero. Heroism consists in making deeds in accordance with the rules of ethics and in the extraordinarily difficult circumstances, which proves more-than-average personality of the heroic person. The national heroism accepts exclusively personalistic ethics. That is why the deeds of a national hero serve both the good of this hero and that of the entire nation.