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Факторы способствующие сохранению средневеликорусских диалектных черт у польских старообрядцев
(2011) Głuszkowski, Michał; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej
Mieszkający w Polsce staroobrzędowcy są społecznością dwujęzyczną. Ich dialekt poddawany jest ciągłemu wpływowi języka polskiego, który w dodatku wypiera gwarę starowierców z jej tradycyjnych sfer użycia. Na podstawie wieloletnich badań socjolingwistycznych udało się wyróżnić szereg czynników o charakterze socjologicznym i psychologicznym, które pozwalają tej społeczności mniejszościowej na zachowanie ich języka w niesprzyjających warunkach społeczno-ekonomicznych.
Двуязычие и двукультурие польских старообрядцев сувальско-августовского региона
(2010) Głuszkowski, Michał; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej
The Old Believers were migrating to the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania shortly after the schism in the Russian Orthodox Church to avoid persecutions. They consisted a bilingual and bicultural society, as well as an ethnic minority. Their bilingualism is connected with diglossia, and biculturism – with di-ethnia. The Old Believers managed to preserve their language and culture only in the domain of religion, neighbourhood and home and the other realms of their life did not differ from their Polish surroundings. More intensive contacts with Poles, Polish administration, and especially education caused growing influence of Polish language on Russian dialect, and of Polish culture on the Old Believers’ culture. After the Second World War the Old Believer population in Poland diminished and the outer influence got stronger. Serious socio-economic changes were underway in the end of the 20th century and brought about the question of language shift and cultural assimilation of the community of our interest. Many domains which belonged to the traditional culture and to the Russian dialect were absorbed by the Polish language and culture. However, despite the accomplished changes, the Old Believers’ language and culture can be maintained. Nowadays there is only one domain completely free from the Polish influence – the domain of religion. Unfavourable demographical, social and economic factors will probably bring to the end of the Old Believers’ language and culture, but some factors are still unpredictable.
Tożsamość kulturowo-językowa staroobrzędowców na tle innych grup mniejszościowych w Polsce. Możliwe płaszczyzny przemilczeń
(Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy, Warszawa, 2008) Głuszkowski, Michał; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej
The Polish Old Believers are here considered as a ‘mute group’. There are numerous examples of fields which are passing over in silence in the Old Believers’ contacts with their surroundings. The reasons of most ‘mute fields’ are rooted in history of the community of our interest: they were living in isolation for ages, preserving their religion, culture and language from outer influence. While the Old Believers’ lingua-cultural identity differs in many points from their Polish surroundings, the contradictions are usually not discussed in intercultural contacts. Some ‘mute fields’ are common also for other minority groups but unlike e.g. Germans, Ukrainians or Czechs, the Old Believers have no material nor symbolic support from their motherland.
Bilingwizm z dyglosją w sytuacji wyspowej. Polska wieś Wierszyna na Syberii
(Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Słowianoznawstwa, 2012) Głuszkowski, Michał; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej
Деревня Вершина, расположенная 130 км севернее Иркутска, была основана добровольными поселенцами из Малой Польши в начале ХХ в. Билингвизм членов общины с самого начала связан с диглоссией, но сферы употребления обоих языков несколько раз менялись под влиянием социальных, экономических, политических и цивилизационных факторов. Диглоссия в Вершине влияет на общую сумму интерференции в речи исследуемой группы, увеличивая число русских лексических заимствований в польском говоре. Язык первых поселенцев лишь в старшем поколении остался основным средством коммуникации, у остальных членов общины он всё быстрее вытесняется из всех сфер употребления русским языком.
Dwa języki – jedna tożsamość. Wierszyna – polska wieś na Syberii
(Slawistyczny Ośrodek Wydawniczy, 2012) Głuszkowski, Michał; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej
Vershina was founded in 1910 by Polish voluntary settlers. During first two decades the village consisted Polish cultural and language enclave, but as a result of changes caused with communism, repressions and collectivization, the village lost its former ethnocultural homo-geneity. Nowadays the village regained its minority rights: religious, educational, cultural and organisational. However, during the years of communism and ateization, their culture and customs became much more similar to other Siberian villages. The linguistic changes were parallel to the evolution of the social situation. The language of Vershina is not a literary Pol-ish language but an interdialect based on dialects from the first settlers’ places of origin. Pol-ish dialect of Vershina has been under influence of Russian, which is the language of educa-tion, administration, and surrounding villages. Children and youth from Polish-Russian fami-lies become monolingual and use Polish very rare, only as a school subject and in contacts with grandparents. However, they still recognize both languages and try not to mix them. Thus, we can still speak about two systems. The cultural situation is completely different. During over 100-years history of the village, its cultural adopted many Russian, Soviet and Buryat elements. Nowadays even the maintained traditions are modified and constitute a cul-tural hybrid, which is the basis of a hybridized identity.