OPEN Repository
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23297 archived items
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Recent Submissions
Etyczne aspekty przeprowadzania kolokwiów i egzaminów
(Wydawnictwo Górnośląskiej Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej imienia Kardynała Augusta Hlonda, 2008) Nowakowski, Piotr T.
The moment when student’s knowledge is verified belongs to the most important in relations between academic youth and teachers. This is why we should find a reply for some misuses in this sphere. Two thousand opinions of students were collected, using a questionnaire, in order to analyse the question of tests and exams. The following problems were indicated: inaccurate defining of requirements; changing the criteria of evaluation while performing exams or increasing the requirements at the stage of verification of written work; injustice of evaluation which is connected with lack of its objective criteria; permission to „crib”; not taking into consideration personal situation of students; unpunctuality and onerousness of exams; unpunctual and careless verification of written works; breaking the law (especially bribery and sexual molestation); disrespect and lack of kindness towards students. Definite postulates result from the above mentioned problems. They should be aimed at people responsible for organization and course of exams: defining clear rules referring to tests and exams; objectivism in verification of student’s knowledge; taking into consideration his/her personal situation; openness on fixing up the date of an exam together with students; punctual verification of written works and enabling students to check accuracy of received mark; honesty of academic teacher, his/her respect and kindness towards students. It depends on the attitude of academic teacher if the moment of verification of student’s knowledge is a confrontation or identification with the values of universitas. The dogma should be accepted that participants of the interaction, i.e. student and examiner, are equal in relation to the truth. Examiner can’t cause the situation when student treats the moment of verification of his/her knowledge as an affront to his/her dignity.
Opcja fundamentalna w praktyce życia moralnego
(Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne i Drukarnia w Sandomierzu, 2008-10-20) Torończak, Edward; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Teoria opcji fundamentalnej to jedno z ważniejszych zagadnień współczesnej teologii moralnej, ponieważ pozwala głębiej zrozumieć życie moralne człowieka. Choć zagadnienie to było szeroko prezentowane w literaturze światowej, to jednak na gruncie polskim nie zostało dotychczas w pełni opracowane. Ksiądz prof. Janusz Nagórny był jednym z pierwszych teologów moralistów, który podjął to zagadnienie, zwłaszcza w perspektywie biblijnej, w polskiej teologii moralnej. W niniejszym opracowaniu zostanie przedstawiony zarys aktualnej refleksji dotyczącej teorii opcji fundamentalnej, a także krytyka niektórych jej interpretacji w tzw. nowej teologii moralnej. Na kanwie tych rozważań zostanie zaprezentowany biblijny wkład Nagórnego w interpretację wyboru podstawowego człowieka. W ostatnim etapie zostanie nakreślona perspektywa dalszego rozwoju opcji fundamentalnej w refleksji teologicznomoralnej.
System pomocy dzieciom krzywdzonym
(Wydawnictwo Akademii im. J. Długosza w Częstochowie, 2008) Sosnowska, Ewa; Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Article presents strategies of counteractions of violence in accordance with children. Aggrievement of child is one of most in modern world worrying phenomenon taking a stand. Necessity of system approach stresses article on background of different systematization concerning intervention, or aspiration for creation general and local systems of limiting of problems of aggrievements of children.
Sekty i związki wyznaniowe działające na terenie katowickiej części województwa śląsko-dąbrowskiego w latach 1945-1950
(Wydawnictwo Kurii Diecezjalnej Księgarnia Św. Jacka, 2008) Małachowska, Ewelina; Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Katowice
After the Second World War the catholic church was the most numerous in Upper Silesia region but there were also few smaller churches and religion unions, which appeared in this area late XIX and beginning of XX century. We can mark the methodists, adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Jehovah’s Witnesses’ activity was much more difficult after the year 1945. There were many reasons such as not clarified legal situation and disapproval of the authorities. However, the sects and religion unions developed in Upper Silesia what we can confirm through the growth of the numbers of members and increase of the numbers of buildings designed to the religious targets. The thesis explains the problem of sects and religion unions starting from the definitions and continuing through their activities noted by the national and ecclesiastic authorities.
Formacja do dojrzałego korzystania z internetu jako wyzwanie dla życia rodzinnego
(UKSW, 2008) Delmanowicz, Grzegorz; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Education to making a mature use of the Internet is highly important for the cultural, moral and spiritual development of children and – by reason of the parental involvement – may prove extremely useful for an intentional and mature building of family integrity. An essential prerequisite for a proper formation of the youngest members of the household to using the new “forum” of communication responsibly is for parents to assume a personal attitude towards this medium. Moreover, drawing on the resources of the multimedial Net calls for some practical skills and knowledge of basic technological questions connected with application of the new technique of communication. An effective protection against various threats posed by the Internet is provided by a dialogue with the children. Besides, education to responsibly using the new communication “forum” ought to be combined with the cultivation of the ascetic spirit. Another important task facing parents who want to be a model for cautiously using the Internet is to encourage their children to a wholesome and active life, to practising sports, strengthening contacts with their peers and pursuing and developing their own hobbies. Challenges that are presented by the multimedial Net need to be always faced by all householders – parents in particular – bravely and calmly.