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23034 archived items
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Recent Submissions
Ideologia New Age wobec życia i zdrowia człowieka
(Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej, 2016) Ostaszewski, Mariusz; Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Elblągu
In times of globalization, a modern man has to deal with ever increasing impact of New Age ideology on his life.Preaching moral relativism becomes a very attractive way of life, especially for people who are, in this way, freed from too constraining and restricting human freedom ethical standards, particularly proclaimed by the Catholic Church. A momentum to eliminate the slightest difficulty in the whole social, cultural and ethical process is created. There is a bad practice of determining spiritual needs. Institutions, that feel responsible for the formation of the register of the spiritual needs of a man in particular times are created. New Age is just a new method of practicing gnosis, that is such a spiritual attitude that in the name of the profound knowledge of God ultimately rejects His word, replacing it with what is a figment of the man himself. It was never withdrawn from the area of Christianity, but always somehow coexisted with it in the form of a hidden para-religious practice, which very deeply breaks with what is Christian and steps into the life of a man, creating a threat to his life and health.
„Kultura” i „cywilizacja” – próba korelacji
(Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II - Wydział Filozofii, 2011) Tarasiewicz, Paweł
The article aims at elucidating relations between culture and civilization. Its structure is twofold and contains the history of these two ideas before their meeting, as well as the typology of their correlation. The mutual relations between culture and civilization depend on an attitude toward the idea of human progress. While the unidirectional development of the mankind is assumed, it is possible to distinguish both positions of the actual or potential identity of culture and civilization in the respect of their content and extent (Pope John Paul II, Fukuyama), and positions of the separation, subordination or complementation of them (Kant, Weber, Maritain, Toffler, Tatarkiewicz). When the multidirectional growth of the mankind is presupposed, then there come into sight positions where civilizations integrate or accomplish cultures (Koneczny, Huntington, Braudel, Toynbee, Spengler). As the notions of culture and civilization can be used by scholars at will, the given typology inspires a respect for some traditional interpretations.
Those Who Cannot Speak. Animals as Others in Ancient Greek Thought
(Katedra Porównawczych Studiów Cywilizacji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2014) Kleczkowska, Katarzyna; Jagiellonian University
The essay is concerned with the topic of the difference between humans and animals in ancient Greek thought. Starting with the lexical problems in studying ancient terms indicating animals, the author presents various definitions of man formulated in contrast to animals, treated as inferior beings. She focuses on the term logos, understood both as reason and ability to speak, which the animals were deprived of according to most of Greek thinkers. The author shows also how the idea of man uniqueness has changed from the archaic period to the classical one. At the end of the essay several reasons why the ancient philosophers define man in opposition to animals are suggested.
Kiedy dzieło wymyka się twórcy. Losy pajacyka Pinokio od powieści Carla Collodiego po kulturę współczesną
(Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2011) Kleczkowska, Katarzyna; Jagiellonian University
The article presents the symbolic interpretation of the character of Pinocchio through the last one hundred and thirty years. The first part of the article presents the possible meaning of the character from the angle of a biography of Carlo Collodi, the Italian author of The Adventures of Pinocchio. The second part concerns on interpretations of the novel and the character of Pinocchio, suggested by Italian literary scholars and readers. The last part presents the modern version of the story of Pinocchio in novels, films, comics and other elements of contemporary culture. The article shows that the literary character acquires a completely different meaning when it becomes the phenomenon of culture.
Istota demoralizacji w świetle realizmu filozoficznego
(Fundacja "Servire Veritati", Instytut Edukacji Narodowej, 2013) Tarasiewicz, Paweł; Katedra Filozofii KUL
The article analyzes the phenomenon of demoralization in the light of the realist view of human morality. It indicates models of morality stemming from human nature or those from social conditioning.
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