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Recent Submissions
Geodezyjne modele kinematyczne
(Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, 2014) Preweda, Edward; Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
W pracy przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące geodezyjnych modeli kinematycznych. W dotychczasowych zastosowaniach wykorzystuje się różne procedury estymacji liniowej, które wynikają z postaci układów równań wiążących obserwacje. W różny też sposób formułowany jest sam model kinematyczny. Przyjęta w pracy koncepcja modelu zakłada, że nie ma znaczenia sposób przeprowadzania obserwacji, w sensie czasu czy epok pomiarowych. Danymi wejściowymi mogą być również funkcje obserwacji, na przykład współrzędne punktów wraz z odpowiadającą im macierzą kowariancji. Model kinematyczny, jeśli ma dotyczyć obiektów inżynierskich, powinien być uzupełniony odpowiednimi restrykcjami nakładanymi na parametry modelu, gwarantującymi ciągłość przemieszczeń i odkształceń. Uogólniony model kinematyczny może służyć do uzyskania parametrów funkcji opisujących ruch pojedynczych punktów lub całego obiektu, czyli do- starczać informacji o punktowym lub wektorowym polu przemieszczeń.
Surveying protection of agricultural land in Poland
(International Conference on Environmental Engineering, 2014) Bieda, Agnieszka; Jasińska, Elżbieta; Preweda, Edward; AGH University of Science and Technology
Ownership of agricultural property gives its owners special powers, but also imposes on them a number of restrictions arising from law. These restrictions apply to both how to acquire and sell such property. They provide additional protection of agricultural land and have a relationship not only with the EU subsidies for agricultural production but also the need for deliberate planning for the countryside. First it should be noted the right of pre-emption of the real estate by the Agricultural Property Agency and the ability to block or cancel the sale if the seller and buyer do not comply with the required formalities. In most cases, the Agency is the seller, so it means that it can shape the rate of sales prices. On the other hand, as a unit under the Treasury it is obliged to comply with the law on public procurement and to protect the public interest. Legal issues related to the management shall be governed by national rules, adapted to the European directives and treaties. Another issue is the agricultural property divisions, which are held in a simplified form, however, maintain the minimum area of land resulting from the surveying division. Such restrictions are to prevent excessive fragmentation of agricultural land. If the existing patchwork of land was made from too small plots, there is a possibility to make integration and exchange of land. It has the nature of the collective spatial effort, which effect will improve the area structure of agricultural holdings and shall be created more favorable conditions for the management of agriculture. Important are also the possibilities of development the agricultural land. It can be done, only if the creation of a farm building will be used for agricultural production. Vital issue, maintained in this article, is also the issue of the exclusion of land from agricultural production in order to use them for non-agricultural holdings.
Effect the accuracy of benchmarks to establish of the determination of geodetic network
(International Conference on Environmental Engineering, 2014) Jasińska, Elżbieta; Preweda, Edward; AGH University of Science and Technology
In classical applications of parametric method to compensate the coordinates of geodetic networks is usually assumed to establish faultless points. The object of estimation parameters, the coordinates of points are determined by observations which mediate appointment of unknowns. References points can have larger standard deviations than the accuracy of observations. This is the results of the advances in technology. If it is necessary to obtain the coordinates of the height accuracy freely alignment is often used, taking for example the coordinates of one point and the azimuth direction of the flat networks or the level of only one point from network leveling. This simplified solution is justified when it is important to get internal network precision because we get rid of the errors in this way to benchmark point. This is not the exact solution. In the case of having the knowledge of variance-covariance matrix of benchmark points, it should be reflected in calculation. In the case of benchmarks, which amount was set many years ago, generally covariance are not known. In this case, alignment it is still possible, it can be based on the variance, which can be determined, for example, on the altitude network class. Benchmark points are considered establish in this case as the observations and unknowns simultaneously. They shall be the subject to appointment and are treated as pseudo-observations. This article is an example of comparison between network adjustment which included level marks standard deviation and the other one freely alignment and assumptions inerrancy establish points. Convenient extension of the of parametric method was proposed, where the notion of observation equations for the point (coordinate) was interposed.
Directions for Land Management in Rural Areas
(Croatian Information Technology Society, GIS Forum, 2014) Dudzińska, Małgorzata; Jasińska, Elżbieta; Kocur-Bera, Katarzyna; Leń, Przemysław; Preweda, Edward; Sajnóg, Natalia; Sobolewska-Mikulska, Katarzyna; Steinsholt, Håvard; Walacik, Marek; Wójcik, Justyna; Sobolewska-Mikulska, K.; University of Warmia and Mazury; AGH University of Science and Technology; Rzeszów School of Engineering and Economics; Warsaw University of Technology; Norwegian University of Life Science
The monograph presents directions and trends of real estate management in the rural areas in Poland and in Norway. Changes and transformation of the spatial structure of agricultural farms have been intensively developed since the Polish accession to the European Union. Real estate management in rural areas covers technical, procedural and legal aspects resulting from attempts aiming at solution of current problems. The amending legal regulations and the rules concerning the real estate transactions force the changes of the real estate management in its wide sense. The new trends of management of real estates of the State Treasury and the procedure of privatisation of those lands is a long-term process. Section 1 of the monograph presents the possibilities to perform real estate transactions and the assessment of impacts of activities performed by the State Treasury Real Estate Agency on the real estate market and on the level of transaction prices achieved in the period of 2009 -2013. Purchase of real estate is still of high interest in Poland since those lands are much cheaper than real estates dedicated for building purposes. Modification of consideration of some issues is often forced by the current situation; this may be confirmed by the series of summer floods which occurred in Poland in recent years, or by the necessity to intensify works related with the programme of construction of motorways. As it has been proved by performed research works, the attention should be paid to such phenomena which are important for the specified areas and focused on adaptation to those phenomena instead of consideration of all possible variants of those phenomena. Information concerning the intensity of particular phenomena, complemented by spatial data about their distribution, are the excellent tools which may support decision making processes concerning rural areas. These aspects have been presented in Section 2. Surveying works, which support the process of structural changes in rural areas, concern land consolidation processes. The monograph presents, which types of land consolidation works should be performed in specified conditions in Polish rural areas. Examples of the scope of designed and implemented land consolidation works have been presented in Section 3, which is a compendium of knowledge concerning the land consolidation process. Specifics of land consolidation works in the case of linear or flood protection investments, as well as methods of utilisation and management of flood areas require that activities are undertaken at the physical planning level, as well as that many studies are performed. Land consolidation projects, which concern structural land consolidation, should follow those provisions. In Poland the issue of management within problem areas of agriculture is very important. It is necessary to balance the chances of development of farms within environmentally less favourable areas, which are characterised by the low soil productivity and which are hazarded by degradation. Section 4 of the monograph presents the analysis of criteria, which are applied for delineation of areas, as well as their spatial extension. As a result of land consolidation works management of the agriculture problem areas should emerge from destination of a given area for playing specified functions, as well as it should be compliant with legal regulations. Diversification and complexity of issues which occur within rural areas force the decision makers to specify areas where land consolidation works will be performed. Section 5 describes the methodology of specification of urgency to commence land consolidation and exchange using the example of cadastral districts in one of the administrative units (powiats) in Poland. The last section presents solutions applied in real estate management in rural areas, which are performed in Norway. Organisational structures of the norwegian "consolidation courts" (Jordskifteretten) - the units which are responsible, among others, for implementation of many procedures of real estate management - have been discussed. Particular attention has been paid to detailed presentation of the way of organisation of the court and its obligations in the field of implementation of real estate procedures. Solutions which have been developed and are currently applied in the Norwegian legislation have been explained and justified. The presented monograph discusses only some aspects related to real estate management issues in rural areas with consideration of the works of surveyors. The multi-issue nature of the monograph stresses the difficulties which are faced by surveyors in the course of implementation of land consolidation works, which must be accepted by the society, efficient and which must protect the natural environment.
Current problems of valuation and real estate management by value
(Croatian Information Technology Society, GIS Forum, 2014) Źróbek, Sabina; Kucharska-Stasiak, Ewa; Trojanek, Maria; Adamiczka, Jerzy; Budzyński, Tomasz; Cellmer, Radosław; Dąbrowski, Janusz; Jasińska, Elżbieta; Preweda, Edward; Sajnóg, Natalia; Warsaw University of Technology; AGH University of Science and Technology; Poznan University of Economics; University of Warmia and Mazury; University of Lodz
Real estate management consists of making decisions and performing actions to maintain a real estate property in an unimpaired condition according to its designation and at reasonable investment in this real property. These activities cover diverse aspects of real estate acquisition and use and are oriented, among others, towards increasing the capital of real estate owners. Value-based management is both a management philosophy and a practice requiring full coordination of all actions carried out in this complex process. It should be noted that a special role is played in the process by real estate appraisal, whose methodology has a centuries-old history. It is rooted in discussions devoted to the category of value and the principles of its measurement. It turns out that historically-formed appraisal methodologies do not stand the test of time. They undergo continuous evolution, with the trends of changes of both an exogenous and endogenous character. Moreover, there are many unsolved problems related to real estate value determination, which can be an inspiration for both theoreticians and practitioners to seek new solutions, taking into account both proper market imitation and the requirements of real estate owners and users. The appropriate real estate property appraisal method is selected by a real estate appraiser, taking into account, among others, the purpose of the appraisal, the type, function and location of the real estate property, its condition and the available market information. The profit method is used in many cases for real estate appraisal, especially for untypical real estate properties, which are rarely the object of transactions in the market. To illustrate the problems which occur during the application of this method, the study presents two examples of appraisals, which concern a gas station and a real estate property developed with a building in which a hotel and a restaurant operate. The process of value-based real estate management should take into account the specificity of the real estate property related to its function, its utility or intangible values. The thesis can be proposed that efficient real estate property management, especially for a historic real estate property, requires the knowledge of the market value expressed as a value range. This requires the indication of such a method for historic real estate value determination which takes into account both the strengths and weaknesses resulting from the possession and use of this specific national treasure because it is economically necessary today to treat a historic building also as an object of investment and a business venture. This approach will help to save cultural and historical values and may allow a satisfactory rate of return on the capital invested to be obtained by the investor. The theoretical analyses presented in this study were verified based on a palace and castle complex currently in use and under development. The residual method was first applied to determine the value and a sensitivity analysis of the development project was then performed. At the same time, the advantages and threats were indicated which could result from the application of the residual method and sensitivity analysis, both for the determined real estate property value and for financially efficient real estate property management based on the determined value. Appraisal of the market value of commercial real-estates is most commonly performed based on the relation between the income obtained from the real estate and its market value. Building a model which includes the largest possible amount of factors affecting the real estate value is a difficult and very complex task. The final verification of the statistical model does not take place at the time of its development or testing but as a result of the comparison of the prognoses’ results with actual transactions made after the implementation of the model. The most difficult moment in the creation of a model is to establish the number of significant independent variables that are being used. An insufficient number of variables makes an adequate description of the occurrence impossible, whereas an excessive number of variables decreases the credibility of the model and makes it “too sensitive”. In this study, the “dominant variable” is defined and its impact on the local commercial real estate market is shown. The study also has a practical dimension, since the results of the research apply to the deliberations concerning the “Recommendation J” and may also provide a comprehensive source of information for the local authorities and national government by showing the results of planning decisions in a simple and clear manner. Real estate value determination requires the acquisition of a proper store of information, including spatial and market information. Because of the intensive real estate market development in Poland, the issue has emerged of the availability of this information and software which allows its proper processing. Information systems intended for real estate appraisers, realtors, real estate managers or banks are currently functioning. With the development of this software, GIS functionality has become a part of this system. Spatial information systems allow many advanced spatial analyses to be performed, which are necessary, among others, in the real estate value determination process. This study presents and compares the functionality of selected existing spatial information systems. Their basic functions and the preferences of their users are presented as an analysis result, which can contribute to further development of systems supporting both real estate appraisal and management. The real estate market is extremely complex, which makes it difficult to develop an objective method of price and value modeling or evaluation of the effect of individual attributes on their formation. Statistical methods and models allowing the analysis of regularities concerning relationships in time and space can be extremely useful in this case. One of the methods, which may find broad application for real estate market analysis, is discriminatory analysis, which enables the selection of attributes for market division into relatively homogeneous groups. The experimental application of discriminatory and classification methods which is presented in this paper allows, among others, the verification of the correct selection of a real estate using a database of real estate properties similar to the one being appraised. The advantage of the method is the possibility of verification and classification, at the selected probability level, of every real estate property into a precisely-defined group. Contemporary problems of appraisal and value-based real estate management should be considered in a broad international context, especially in today’s world, in which the mobility of entities and capital is less and less limited by political, economic or administrative barriers.
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