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22945 archived items

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Entelechia i zasada zachowania energii w rozumieniu Hansa Driescha
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2011) Szkutnik, Dariusz; Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
The essay describes the relationship between entelechy and the conservation of energy prin-ciple. The author argues that entelechy in itself is a diversity and manifoldness of organic processes, which are not, however, construed as spatial extensities. Therefore, entelechy is not connected with the amount of spatial causality as such and it is not quantifiable in terms of energy although it is related to events in space. Entelechy is affected by and acts upon spatial causality as if the former came out of an ultra-spatial dimension. Hence, entelechy does not act in space. It acts into space while it is not in space – thereby only manifesting itself in some points in space.
Oświeceniowy millenaryzm a liberalny postęp. Z koncepcji politycznej Johna Graya
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2011) Czajkowski, Jan; Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
It is well known that John Gray proposes to interpret realism as the best strategy for the de-velopment of the modern world. He believes that realism gives an opportunity to avoid all negative consequences of the Enlightenment and premillenarist political projects of 19th to 21th centuries. The author argues that the Gray’s realism neither approaches nor satisfies what he regards as postmillenarism, which is deeply rooted in premillenarism. This defect is especially serious in the light of different yet equivalent roles that either theory plays in bringing about political development of the world.
Zagadnienie relatywizmu w myśli Charlesa Taylora
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2011) Moskulak, Martyna; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
In my paper I am going to examine one of the most interesting issues concerning Charles Taylor’s ethical reflection, which is the notion of relativism. The goal of this article is to present the topic in the context of an actual debate on the current condition of Western society in the age of pluralism. In this debate, Taylor fulfils the role of an important commentator on contemporary social phenomena and a narrator of the complexity of processes which are standing behind them. The notion which I particularly pay attention to is soft relativism. This notion describes the attitude expressed by the firm conviction that we should allow others to do what they please, and do not criticize their beliefs. The notion of soft relativism is related to the distorted forms of individualism. Opposite the basic moral intuition that we can reasonably talk about ideals, stands a moral prohibition questioning other people’s values. Another dimension of the problem of relativism is the diversity of views, cultures, religion and origins that exist within a community. Taylor presents his own approach to pluralism and tolerance, referring to the various positions in the past and the present. The article consists of an introduction, a conclusion and five consecutive parts. The introduction provides a brief description of Charles Taylor’s philosophy. Part I sets out to establish the specificity of the philosopher as a third way thinker. Part II is a preliminary presentation of soft relativism. Part III refers to the ethical basis of relativism and touches upon the issue of individualism. Part IV presents a polemic between Taylor and a sociologist Allan Bloom and shows interiorization as a means of moral coexistence. Part V concerns the issue of relativism on the ground of culture; it presents Taylor’s position in the view of the politics of difference and universalism. The conclusion leaves several questions open for further exploration of the topic.
Refleksja filozoficzna jako źródło współczesnego rozumienia godności człowieka i dyrektyw interpretacyjnych art. 30 Konstytucji RP
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2011) Ściślicki, Piotr; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Human dignity, before it became a legal notion, had been a subject of philosophical reflection since ancient times. Beginning from the classical notion of dignity in letters of ancient philosophers, through stoical thought, biblical tradition and modern philosophy (Thomas Hobbes, Blaise Pascal, Immanuel Kant) we track the history of the construction of dignity as an inherent property of the human being, determining her special, distinguished position in the structure of earthly objects. It seems that an effective interpretation of art. 30 of the Polish Constitution, which constitutes the central provision of the legal system built around the notion of dignity, is not possible without the acquaintance with theoretical bases of reconstruction of the notion. Analysing lawyer’s commentaries on the art. 30, which concentrate on elucidating the appropriate meaning of such attributes of human dignity as its inherentness, inalienability, inviolability, it is impossible to resist the impression that each of the voiced views has its roots in the theoretical structure of dignity, as it can be found in philosophical legacy as well as in theological reflection.
Rozumność praktyczna. Teoria prawa naturalnego Johna Finnisa w świetle nauki Akwinaty
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2011) Głowala, Justyna; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Since the end of 20th century a wide interest in the topic of practical reason is on the increase in philosophy, especially in such issues as: specific properties of practical reason, its function and proper object, rationality of human action, natural law, common good, moral obligation, justice and human rights. Results of discussions in these fields can be applied to current ethical, political or juridical cases and questions such as nuclear deterrence and genetic experiments. The topic is popular among analytic philosophers who claim that their examinations require thorough analyses of historical – especially ancient and medieval – texts on practical reason. One of the most significant contributions to this discussion is the work of John Finnis (born 1940), which includes as its pivotal part a study and reconstruction of Aquinas’ theory of practical reasonableness. The task of my dissertation is to examine the role of Aquinas’ premises and principles in Finnis’ New Theory of Natural Law. In my paper I present: (i) main principles concerning practical reason and natural law within the classic account of practical reasonableness; (ii) the objective and the main theses of my dissertation; (iii) the method and the structure of my dissertation. Finally, I list some of the most important ethical issues I discuss in my dissertation.