OPEN Repository
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23187 archived items
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Recent Submissions
Doświadczenie awansu klasowego jako kontekst kształtowania się relacji między braćmi i siostrami
(Biuro Analiz Sejmowych, 2020-09) Dębska, Katarzyna; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The article looks at social advancement and its consequences for family members – both the experiences of those who experience social upward mobility and their brothers and sisters reproducing their parents’ class positions. The material was collected with the method of qualitative narrative interview; adults with siblings participated in the study. As the author argues, in class analyses, the emotional aspect is often overlooked, while reflection on the health and mental well‑being of individuals and groups often lacks insight into the consequences of the class positions they occupy. Also, reproduction and class mobility experiences can evoke a variety of emotions for individuals. These emotions should not be interpreted only in terms of individual temperament and character. The effect of the analysis is to show the various emotional consequences of social advancement: from pride, indifference to rejection.
Niepewność zatrudnienia młodych dorosłych: analiza sekwencji karier zawodowych
(Biuro Analiz Sejmowych, 2020-09) Kiersztyn, Anna; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The article looks at the results of a quantitative study of employment insecurity among young adults in Poland. Insecurity is conceptualized as a specific career sequence, observed over several years, composed of recurrent episodes of non‑standard employment separated by periods of joblessness. The empirical part of the analysis uses data from the three most recent waves of the Polish Panel Survey POLPAN (conducted in 2008, 2013, and 2018). It offers an analysis of the employment transitions experienced by the respondents, a description of early career sequences (covering a period of three or five years following graduation), and an assessment of the main socio‑economic correlates of persistent youth employment insecurity on the Polish labour market.
Analiza potencjału badawczo‑rozwojowego w zakresie elektromobilności w Polsce
(Biuro Analiz Sejmowych, 2020-05) Tchorek, Grzegorz; Kozioł, Waldemar; Jabłońska, Barbara; Kurtyka, Michał; Targowski, Filip; Wójtowicz, Stefan; Uniwersytet Warszawski
Automotive sector is one of the most important sectors in the Polish economy. The article investigates readiness and potential of Polish companies and research institutions in the automotive sector to produce parts and components for electric vehicles on each stage of its value chain. The first section begins with the description of economic importance of automotive sector for the Polish economy and the presentation of the value chain concept with its application to the assessment of the automotive sector. It confirmed the role of the Polish automotive industry as a subcontractor to foreign partners with relative low bargaining power and weak position within global value chains. The second section focuses on the SWOT analysis of the Polish R&D institutions. The authors claim that they can be important partners for electromobility industry but they require more concentrated investment and bigger demand for the R&D results.
Rola sieci społecznych w procesie migracji edukacyjnych przedstawicieli mniejszości litewskiej do litewskich i polskich miast
(Biuro Analiz Sejmowych, 2019-12) Wójcikowska-Baniak, Katarzyna; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The aim of this paper is to explore the social networks of the young generation of Lithuanian minority and the role of social networks in educational migration patterns, both domestic migration and migration to Lithuania. The analysis is based on the ongoing fieldwork conducted among representatives of the Lithuanian minority, inspired by the “multi-sited etnography” tradition. The author discusses the socio-economic and demographic background of the Lithuanian community in Poland, and explains how the migration changes the identification and practices of migrants, with particular attention given to the adaptation process.
Ścieżki zawodowe wysoko wykwalifikowanych migrantek z Ukrainy i Białorusi w Polsce
(Biuro Analiz Sejmowych, 2019-12) Dolińska, Anna; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The purpose of this article is to present the various professional paths of highly qualified female migrants from Ukraine and Belarus, the most numerous groups of foreigners from outside the EU in Poland. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews with highly qualified female specialists, i.e. migrants who started work relevant to their education and/or specialist knowledge and did not have experience of working in typical “migrant” sectors (service industry, agriculture, care work, etc.). This article also provides an overview of the Ukrainian and Belarusian migration to Poland after the fall of the USSR.
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