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Konferencja grupy rodzinnej jako metoda pracy z rodzinami zagrożonymi wykluczeniem społecznym (wyniki działalności Powiatowego Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie w Bytowie)
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Lesner, Wiesław; Wirkus, Katarzyna; Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku; Powiatowe Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie w Bytowie
Conference of the family group (KGR) is a method of the work with the family leading families in functioning to positive changes, giving the possibility of constructive and effective solving her problems. The specificity of this method causes employing the wide circle of members of a family, as well as other persons important for the child: of acquaintances, of neighbors, of friends; on the established forum discussion is being entered into with the possibility of using the participation of professionals, granting technical consultation; plans concerning solving difficult situations of the child and the family are being formulated. The KGR method is applied in final years in, bringing unprecedented beneficial results. Thanks to conducting fifteen conferences of the family group in the district of Bytów over twenty children missed to institutions social and behavioral, and it stayed in related and unrelated foster families and around their families. Moreover the families received the psychological support, possibility to use the services of the assistant of the family and the assistant of the personwith disabilities.Drawing fifteen social contracts up was a final result of held conferences. All members of a family are becoming involved in the problem solving, behind taken decisions lives concerning them have a sense of responsibility, they are establishing positive reports with employees of the system of the welfare. Apart from that a number of children is reducing at institutions social and behavioral, a time of staying foster children in substitute forms of the care is undergoing shortening, also a number of institutional intervention is reducing in families.
Formy pomocy dziecku i rodzinie w strukturach samorządowych
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Zieja, Elżbieta; Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze
The problem of development of the forms of help being given to a child and family by local governments has been attracting the society's attention in Poland since the beginning of the 1990 s. The analyzed forms of family and child in local communities is only a certain element of the whole care and educational system aimed at achieving European standards. Short statistics of the described reports of the Ministry ofWork and Social Politics and the data of Santa Claus Fund have allowed the author to look into the development of these kinds of help operating in local communities over last decade. Describing the tasks of parish and district councils can differentiate after the legislator the most significant forms of care and support for families in children such as protected flats, specialized family guidance, special centers for families in crisis, day care homes, educational centers, community centers, social and therapeutic centers and clubs. The reformed system of child and family care in Poland is based on the development of family support and preventive actions that correspond with the international law and good practice standards and the main stream of changes in the countries- members of the European Union. The proposed contents are to get people acquainted with the issues of care, upbringing, support and professional assistance for a child and family in their environment.
Instytucje wsparcia i pomocy rodzinie. Geneza, zadania i organizacja Powiatowego Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Olczak-Baran, Katarzyna; PWSZ im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu
In my paper I would like to present the origin and the main tasks of the DFAC. In my article I also mention other institutions of family support which might help to improve the functioning of this basic unit of society. The work of those institutions is especially important in case of families having a disorder, in connection with the performance of its basic functions of care and education – in relation to children, the disabled, elderly people and also young people who require preventive actions and rehabilitation. It is essential to know the tasks and the role of DFAC, because of the increasing number of juvenile offenders and the parents' upbringing and caring failure. Such disorders are caused by difficult situation of people under protection of child and family support institutions, in connection with unemployment, poverty, and helplessness. Such families and single units as well should be given care and one should show them the way to solve their problems. Today, the institutions such as DFAC, homes for mothers with infant children or the National Emergency Service forVictims of DomesticViolence are one of the most important and necessary in helping the families. They can help to improve the quality of whole society's life as well as to increase self-esteem of people who feel lost and who are looking for their place in life.
Poradnictwo rodzinne jako pomoc w rozwiązywaniu życiowych problemów rodziny
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Gałęska, Urszula; Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze
Theoreticians and practitioners of family counseling are carefully observing, analyzing and explaining a dramatically growing need for indirect help sought by problem families. The rich Internet offer of the help which is placed at the end of the article is the proof of that demand. In this situation in the of family guidance some questions are becoming especially controversial: What are the reasons for using of such a for of psychological, pedagogical legal or medical help? Is it possible that Internet advice will soon dominate or even take over the traditional help? Does the access to free and anonymous advice at any time and in any place without any barriers decide on the growing number of users. The contents of the article are a certain trial to answer the above questions. In great part they correspond to thinking und utterances of the families experiencing difficulties in solving their life problems. In the article helplessness of a family raising a handicapped child is especially emphasized. The feeling of being vulnerable in the face of disability and at the same time seeking help is fully visible in the character of the mother of little handicappedVictoria. It is an example of combining the Internet aid with direct counseling. In conclusion, having considered the points made by author, it should be admitted that the Internet family guidance may be successfully combined with a traditional direct meeting of the subjects – a counselor and a person seeking advice.
Rodzina dotknięta przemocą – możliwości i formy pomocy na podstawie badań Specjalistycznych Ośrodków Wsparcia dla Ofiar Przemocy w Rodzinie w regionie dolnośląskim
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Świątek, Beata; Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze
Family has always created an indispensable environment for a man to fulfill his needs and for his development. Family makes our lives meaningful, helps to put plans into practice and to assign goals. The need for belonging to a family constitutes a value dear to all communities. In the literature of the subject there exists a general division into functional and non-functional families. One of the factors determining a family's capability is violence. It influences the quality of the offspring upbringing, family relationships and bonds. In its air social competence of parents declines and their attitude to family-related responsibilities deteriorates. The issue of domestic violence is tackles by specialists of the area of law, psychology, sociology, pedagogy and medicine, who are studying sources and methods of fighting with this phenomenon. Its social damage is so devastating that its unambiguous definition is almost impossible. In the face of a serious threat generated by domestic violence in recent years, there have been held campaigns, workshops, local and nationwide conferences to promote assistance to violence-stricken victims. Preventive schemes have also been developed to restrain violence in schools and local community. Violence affected individuals can seek help in centers founded especially for this purpose and maintained by local councils (MOPS) or county councils (PCPR), as well as non-government organizations and associations. A comprehensive support for families suffering from domestic violence is provided by Emergency Intervention Centers and Specialist Centers of Support for Victims of domestic Violence. In the region of Lower Silesia there exist two institutions of such a character, one inWroclaw and the other one in Walbrzych. Their activity involves therapeutic tasks, aid and provision for victims of domestic violence.