OPEN Repository

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Kampania profrekwencyjna podczas kampanii parlamentarnej w 2011 roku
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2013) Jakubowski, Paweł; Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
Pogranicze jako przestrzeń konfliktów. Rola misji ONZ w stabilizacji regionów pogranicznych
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2013) Opioła, Wojciech; Uniwersytet Opolski
Homo viator u bram Unii Europejskiej. O prawach człowieka migrującego w XXI wieku
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2013) Opioła, Wojciech
The identity of the borderland. What monuments of Opole Region tell about. A report on pilot studies
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2013) Opioła, Wojciech; Uniwersytet Opolski
The aim of the paper is to describe the methodology, range and conclusions of a pilot research project conducted in the area of Opole Province. The goal of the project was to make an analysis of monuments found in Opole Region in terms of the political functions they perform. The research problem which was to be solved by the project was legitimization of the political belonging of the given territory through building and interpreting social frameworks of memory by means of monuments. Due to the pilot character of the studies, the examination covered only a part of the monuments found in the area of the Province. The examined area covers 3.8% of the territory of the Province and is inhabited by 21.3% of the total number of its population. The selection of the sample was based on the assumption that it is areas of high density which are the most natural places to erect monuments. In the examined area, the existence of 71 monuments was documented.
Granice kreatywności. Dyskurs dotyczący postaci typu mary sue w amatorskiej twórczości literackiej a reguły funkcjonowania społeczności fanowskich
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2013) Siuda, Piotr; Jankowiak, Daria; Krawczyk, Stanisław; Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu; Uniwersytet Warszawski
Some participants of popular culture do not confine themselves to a one-time contact with a favorite book or movie. Instead, they return to fictional worlds, creating literary texts based on original works and sharing these texts with other followers of the same pop-products. A number of these fan-made pieces contain idealized characters whose mentalities tend to be very similar to the personalities of their creators. Such characters, who are known under the name of Mary Sue, frequently become an object of harsh criticism all kinds of fan communities – most importantly, the rule of staying faithful to the object of one’s passion, that is, to the worlds created by professional authors. Apart from that, the paper demonstrates a concise discussion of the strong and weak points of the method employed on the readers’ part. The paper presents various forms of so strong a negative reaction and describes its possible causes, basing on the analysis of a discourse created by the users of Mirriel Literary Forum (a message board which attracts people who are interested in amateurs’ literary pieces). The main goal of the paper is to demonstrate how the information obtained in discourse analysis may shed new light on the rules which govern the lives of all kinds of fan communities – most importantly, the rule of staying faithful to the object of one’s passion, that is, to the worlds created by professional authors. Apart from that, the paper demonstrates a concise discussion of the strong and weak points of the method employed.