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22947 archived items
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Recent Submissions
The role of the People's Republic of China in the foreign policy of France
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2016) Helnarska, Karolina Julia; Akademia Obrony Narodowej
Establishment of diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China took place in 1964. China for France are one of the most important actors in the region to build a multi-polar international order. In the early 90-ies in the mutual relation of France stressed the importance of China’s compliance with human rights. As closer economic relations France ceases to raise these issues in mutual relations. The growing importance of Asia in the foreign policy of France takes place during the presidency of Jacques Chirac, when established global partnership. Despite the strengthening of cooperation unable to avoid clashes between the two countries. President François Hollande’s policy towards China, compared with its predecessors, is based on a more cautious implementation of a “global partnership”. This commitment to reduce France’s relations with China have been defined by the representatives of the French government as “economic diplomacy”. The new strategy of France is to create an ever closer bilateral contacts with India, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Australia, Laos and the Philippines. This has lead to the development of new political and economic relations
French-Chinese cooperation in the field of science and culture
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2014) Helnarska, Karolina Julia; Akademia Obrony Narodowej
The establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China took place on 27 January 1964. Gen. de Gaulle decided to appoint an ambassador in Beijing. It was the beginning of a new phase and the development of mutual relations. In 1997, the partnership is established that in 2004, becoming a strategic global partnership. This partnership is based on a mechanism that involves strategic dialogue the Franco-Chinese understood as “privileged space exploration agreement” two heads of state, both on the Franco-Chinese and international affairs. This dialogue is logged by the two heads of state people. The mechanism for regular bilateral meetings and organized sessions. It created special thematic groups on strategic issues such as global and as bilateral. In 2005, the group was set up on French-Chinese cooperation in the field of industry and economy.
Współpraca francusko-chińska w obszarze kultury i nauki
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2014) Helnarska, Karolina Julia; Akademia Obrony Narodowej
China can be described as a complementary direction, the newly discovered foreign cultural policy in France. Cooperation in the fields of science, education France with countries of South Asia and Eastern Europe given the number of agreements – 608, places the region of South and East Asia second only to Latin American countries. With 13 countries in the region with which France works in the field of higher education, three countries – India, China and Vietnam signed with France the most significant agreement.
Wywiad jako instrument chińskiej polityki zagranicznej – przyczynek do badań
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2017) Adamczyk, Marcin; Baraniuk, Kamil; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
The article takes up the problem of Chinese intelligence as a tool of support foreign policy. In the first place, the theoretical concepts and assumptions concerning this domain of state policy have been systematized. A review of selected foreign policy definitions in Polish-language political literature was conducted in this respect. Next the authors discussed the specificity of foregin policy determinants, structures and instruments. The key determinants of China's foreign policy of political, military, geographic, economic, and doctrinal character were discussed in following part of article. In the last part of the paper, an attempt was made to answer the question of how the above conditions affect the demand and performance of Chinese intelligence activities.
The Clash Between China and the United States and Security in the Asia-Pacific Region - A Security Dilemma, a Balance of Power, and the Bandwagon Effect
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2021) Adamczyk, Marcin; Rutkowska, Patrycja; Uniwersytet Wrocławski; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
This article is an attempt to answer the question about the security situation in the Asia-Pacific region. The authors decided to verify the authenticity of the thesis that Asia witnessed the birth of a new security dilemma based on the data on the amount of defence spending among the key countries of the region (China, the United States, Japan, Russia, Pakistan, Australia and India). The second thesis that the authors want to confirm or reject is that there is a coalition in the Asia-Pacific area that is creating a balance of power and, at the same time, a growing number of countries that want to join the PRC. To this end, the authors have used a content analysis method and a comparative method. The first chapter is a brief description of the theoretical framework of the article in the form of a realistic current in international relations and security research and an explanation of the concepts of power balance, security dilemma and bandwagoning applied. The second chapter presents data on the defence spending of the most important actors in the region. In the third chapter, which is a substitute for a conclusion, the authors will analyze the situation in the Asia-Pacific region using the previously presented theoretical approach and empirical data.
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