OPEN Repository

Welcome to OPEN - the Repository of Open Scientific Publications, run by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, previously operating as the CeON Repository. The Repository enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts.

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Między pożądaną równością a nieuniknioną różnicą
(Wyd. Naukowe DSWE TWP: Wrocław, 2009) Grochalska, Monika; Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, Wydział Nauk Społecznych
Praca nauczyciela wspomagającego edukację dzieci romskich – doświadczenia ze szkół wrocławskich
(Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie, 2009) Łój, Maria
The author presents problems which she encounters in her work as a teacher who assists the education of Roma children in Wrocław. She mainly emphasizes, however, how Romani children, young people and whole families benefit from the work of such a teacher who is an intermediary between the school and Roma community.
Gadziowskie refleksje o romskiej edukacji
(Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie, 2009) Milewski, Jacek
The educational situation of the Roma children in Poland is improving gradually. At present opportunities for financing various educational and cultural activities in Poland, created mostly by the Governmental Program for the Roma Community, are incomparably better than several years ago. There is, however, no debate about the model of education for the Gypsy children. Education in regular schools, advocated by the vast majority of Romani activists, raises the level of Roma education, but, on the other hand, it may bring very harmful outcomes. Roma children learn in such schools neither Romani language, nor history, and the language they speak undergoes rapid polonization. Books published in Romani in Poland are very rare. Moreover, the idea of introducing Romani to the school curricula is met with anger by more traditional Gypsies. In spite of that, however, it is necessary to have Romani language and history taught in schools if we want the language and culture of the Roma who live in Poland to survive.
Romowie, szkoła i dyskryminacja
(Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie, 2009) Balvin, Jaroslav; Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Nitra, Slovakia
The essential issue regarding transformation of the Roma minority is to combat poverty and social exclusion. However the primary goal should be social inclusion of the Roma minority into the majority of population. It is a matter of changes on the system level, where the formation and education of the Roma pupils play an important role. The requisites of this process are: a) Categorical objection to the Roma pupils being qualified as mentally retarded on the sole account of them inhabiting a socially excluded areas. b) Categorical objection to the IQ tests which gauge the intelligence based on the majority culture. c) Application in the Roma pupils’ teaching of modern methods that would develop the Roma pupil’s personality together with its Romani aspects. d) Integration in the Roma pupils’ teaching of their own culture, represented by the Roma authors and authorities who have the understanding of the Roma culture – both cognitively and emotionally. e) The need to react to malign theories that disavow the Roma culture and history and impair the right of the Roma to their own national identity and self-determination. These stances will provide a viable support also in dealing with exigent social difficulties of the Roma community and in efforts preventing their social exclusion. They will be instrumental in restraining of the Roma pupil’s discrimination at school.
W klasie Cyganów nie ma. Rzeczywistość wcielania w życie polityki edukacyjnej
(Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie, 2009) Tomaszewski, Rafał
This paper looks at the complexities involved in teaching Romani children in a few state schools in Praga Południe, an eastern borough of Warsaw, Poland. The effort to address the educational shortcomings of the comparatively small minority of Roma in Poland has created a field where educational policy is confronted with schooling realities and where discussion about ethnic identity is set against a background of economic hardship. The aim of this work is to provide an overview of the context within which the Polish state and the Roma minority practice education, where the majority’s understanding of Roma’s educational needs, as encapsulated by the Roma educational program, is more akin to a coercive social policy while offering scant pedagogical advancement.