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W klasie Cyganów nie ma. Rzeczywistość wcielania w życie polityki edukacyjnej
(Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie, 2009) Tomaszewski, Rafał
This paper looks at the complexities involved in teaching Romani children in a few state schools in Praga Południe, an eastern borough of Warsaw, Poland. The effort to address the educational shortcomings of the comparatively small minority of Roma in Poland has created a field where educational policy is confronted with schooling realities and where discussion about ethnic identity is set against a background of economic hardship. The aim of this work is to provide an overview of the context within which the Polish state and the Roma minority practice education, where the majority’s understanding of Roma’s educational needs, as encapsulated by the Roma educational program, is more akin to a coercive social policy while offering scant pedagogical advancement.
Romowie w małopolskich szkołach. Uwagi na marginesie Pilotażowego programu rządowego na rzecz społeczności romskiej w województwie małopolskim na lata 2001–2003
(Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie, 2009) Paszko, Artur
In the years 2001–2003, in the Nowy Sącz County and Tarnów municipality area, The Preliminary Governmental Program For Roma Community in Malopolska Voivodeship for 2001–2003 had been carried out. The solutions examined in the process has been implemented since 2004 across the whole country within the framework of The Governmental Program for Roma Community in Poland. The authors of both schemes assume that the major factor determining the existing situation of the Roma in Poland is their poor education. Analysis by the government administration of the reports compiled during the years when The Preliminary Governmental Program had been in development leads to conclusion that in the period 2001–2003 the implementation of educational obligation in Malopolska Voivodeship improved among its participants. The achievements of that period preserved. Importantly, The Preliminary Governmental Program, resulted in two new positions – of Roma Assistant and Supporting Teacher – taking firm root the Polish educational system. Their presence in the educational institutions has greatly improved relationships between Roma families and school. The present knowledge of the effects of governmental schemes for Roma community in the education area does not allow for precise conjectures on consequences of the change in educational situation for the Roma community itself. Taking into account that these efforts may accelerate the assimilation process, methods should be considered that would allow to control them constantly.
Edukacja jako priorytet w programach rządowych na rzecz społeczności romskiej
(Muzeum Okręgowe w Tarnowie, 2009) Kwadrans, Łukasz; Uniwersytet Śląski
The author attempts to compare the governmental programs for the Roma community in Czech, Poland and Slovakia. He is particularly interested in how these three countries perceive the role of education. All of the three programs include the educational component, as clearly pointed out by the author. Also, the position of the Roma Assistant has been introduced in all the countries. It is important since the education of Roma community has become a priority and the efforts of governments and European institutions as well as NGOs towards improving the educational and social situations of the Roma have been coordinated.