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OPEN Repository
Welcome to OPEN - the Repository of Open Scientific Publications, run by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, previously operating as the CeON Repository. The Repository enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts.
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23002 archived items
Institutional Communities
- Loading...Police Academy in Szczytno [75]
- Loading...Centrum Badań Molekularnych i Makromolekularnych PAN [0]
- Loading...ICM UW [100]
- Loading...Instytut Badań Literackich PAN [186]
- Loading...Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN [181]
- Loading...Instytut Chemii Organicznej PAN [141]
- Loading...Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS [21]
- Loading...Instytut Paleobiologii PAN [3]
- Loading...Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki WO UW [131]
- Loading...Katedra Języków i Kultur Afryki WO UW [21]
- Loading...OBM UW [131]
- Loading...Uczelnia Łazarskiego [126]
- Loading...Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu [92]
- Loading...Wydawnictwo Naukowe PTG [291]
- Loading...Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW [48]
- Loading...Wydział Polonistyki UW [339]
Recent Submissions
Podstawowe zadanie filozofii w kulturze
(Fundacja Lubelska Szkoła Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej, 2007) Tarasiewicz, Paweł
The article is focused on the question of the primary task of philosophy in culture. The problem of philosophy itself is the starting point here. The author observes a chronic discord among philosophers on what philosophy is that undermines the identity of the aforementioned as well as disables it from determining its tasks in the culture. Thus, he attempts to determine the nature of philosophy indirectly. The author indicates what philosophy is not and has never been from its beginning, and can not be if it be itself. According to the author, myth is an effective negative criterion with which to determine the true character of philosophy. Philosophy’s aspiration to emancipate itself from myth’s influence justifies the effort to search the foundation of philosophy in contradistinction from myth, and enabling a determination of philosophy directly by indicating its constitutive factors. To philosophize is to know things as they are in the real world, or as they are related to the real world. A reflection on philosophy is not only possible, but also necessary. Since philosophy is a part of human culture, the author concludes that the primary task of philosophy in culture consists in justifying the identity of philosophy as such.
Sens wiary religijnej w świetle realizmu filozoficznego
(Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2007) Tarasiewicz, Paweł
The following article aims at answering to the question about a status of the religious faith within the development of human person. The undertaken purpose is realized within three stages that consist of analyzing (1) „supernatural” knowing of God, (2) epistemological basis of the love toward God, (3) specificity of the human perfection. Given considerations are based mainly on analyzing selected works written by representatives of the philosophical realism (St. Thomas Aquinas, Zofia J. Zdybicka, Mieczyslaw A. Krapiec). A choice of texts is marked by their common personalist character resulting from a determined respect to the integral vision of man as person. The author claims that an act of religious faith introduces every human person into a process of spiritual perfection that integrally contains not only deepening a cognition of God and strengthening a love with Him, but progressing toward a sainthood as well. The key conclusion focuses on a thesis that only a unity of man and God within an act of love provides a safeguard of the complete actualization of man where in virtue of epistemological conditions the act of religious faith plays a principal role.
„Osoba” jako kryterium badawcze
(Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2009) Tarasiewicz, Paweł
The article undertakes a well-founded attempt of tracing the philosophical interpretation of human being, as well as the methodological status of such interpretation in a perspective of investigating the culture. Undertaken considerations present methodological advantages of the realistic conception of human person. They embrace the genesis of thought which elucidate the man with a category of "person" (here: Greek, Roman, and Christian approaches). Then they concentrate on inalienable parameters of the human personal life, which are elaborated in a light of the philosophical realism (here: cognition, freedom and responsibility, love, agency in law, ontological wholeness, and religious dignity). The further step is to show what predisposes the realistic notion of human person to carry out methodological functions (here: its integrity, realism, and universalism). Finally there are determined conditions of applying the realistic conception of human being as a neutral investigative criterion (here: its negative character).
Nacjonalizm w świetle filozofii kultury
(Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2008) Tarasiewicz, Paweł
The article aims at finding reasons of plurality and variety of nationalisms. Their number and essential differences seem to depend on influence exerted on them by specific social systems. Such influence results from the right received by social structures of different types to participate in constructing the political nation. In the shadow of carried out analyses there is a rudimentary truth that nation is a source of all nationalisms, in other words, that all features of present nationalisms, in fact, come from the characterization of political nations. Consequently, a relation between nationalism and cultural nation, i.e. a specific type of social (not political) structure, is not so much evident. Even if such a relation happens, it ends with fighting between person (nation’s highest value) and community (nationalism’s highest value) for precedence. The author claims, that the national social system is only one of these which rival with each other within the same political structure. Therefore, nationalisms found and still can find sufficient number of good sources for their own variety outside the national social structure. These nationalisms, which grant privileges to individuals, can discover their roots in the kinship social system; others, which protest against any domination of individuals in society and show favouritism to communities, can find patterns in the tribal social system; finally these, which tend to reconcile advocates of individuals with these of communities, can seek creative intuitions in the people’s social system. However, all ethnic-based nationalisms in conjunction with instruments, which only political structures deliver, can be transformed into absolutism, imperialism, or statism. The author concludes that only the national culture (with its national social system) seems to be in a position to guarantee an effective defence against these possible threats.
Filozofia kultury polskiej w ujęciu Mieczysława A. Krąpca OP
(Fundacja Lubelska Szkoła Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej, 2007) Tarasiewicz, Paweł
Among recent philosophers interested in the Polish culture, Mieczyslaw Albert Krapiec OP does occupy a prominent place. He devotes his attention to the Polish specificity in his stricte philosophical works, as well as in his appearances in the popular journalism. His philosophy is significantly featured by endeavoring to discover constitutive factors of the object of explanation. His analyses then do not point towards studying individual manifestations of what the Polish is, but do give the ultimate explanation first to the essence of the Polish culture, secondly to reasons of its existence, thirdly to its relation to truth, good, beauty, and sainthood. In the light of Krapiec’s thought the Polish culture is a type of the common Christian culture specified by rational and emotional freedom, tolerance, and openness. As its reasons he indicates specific personal, environmental, and historical factors. In its relation to what is transcendental the Polish culture reveals its national (non tribal) character that predisposes it not only to participating in the intercultural dialog, but also to having its contribution to the cultural achievement of humanity.
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