Drought and water shortages in Asia as a threat and economic problem
The paper touches on the economic and political issues connected to water shortages in Asia, including droughts, and the economic consequences of the lack of quality water. Access to water is a global economic and political challenge and it’s predicted to continue to be important issue for many countries because in the coming years we will be seeing rising water demand, on par with demographic growth. Water will become an increasingly valuable resource, especially in Asia. The data presented in the article based on statistics of water sources, total water withdrawal, access to drinking water, water consumption per capita, access to piped water indicate that Asian countries are prone to potential political confl icts caused by the struggle for water. In summary, since in Asia are no systematic evaluations of the negative eff ects of water-related problems for economies there is a need to create more accurate calculations and contingency plans. For this purpose such measures should be introduced in Asian countries.
Journal of Modern Science, 26, 2015, s. 235–250