Analiza potencjału badawczo‑rozwojowego w zakresie elektromobilności w Polsce
Automotive sector is one of the most important sectors in the Polish economy. The article investigates readiness and potential of Polish companies and research institutions in the automotive sector to produce parts and components for electric vehicles on each stage of its value chain. The first section begins with the description of economic importance of automotive sector for the Polish economy and the presentation of the value chain concept with its application to the assessment of the automotive sector. It confirmed the role of the Polish automotive industry as a subcontractor to foreign partners with relative low bargaining power and weak position within global value chains. The second section focuses on the SWOT analysis of the Polish R&D institutions. The authors claim that they can be important partners for electromobility industry but they require more concentrated investment and bigger demand for the R&D results.
Tchorek, G., Kozioł, W., Jabłońska, B., Kurtyka, M., Targowski, F., Wójtowicz, S. (2020). Analiza potencjału badawczo‑rozwojowego w zakresie elektromobilności w Polsce. Studia BAS, 1(61), 125-142.