Ochrona konsumentów usług turystycznych przed niewykonaniem lub nienależytym wykonaniem usługi
The article explores civil-law aspects of the protection of consumers of tourist services against a failure to perform or improper performance of a service by the tour operator. Legal definitions concerning tourist services, duties of the contractors as well as the range of their responsibilities have been discussed within. The article also raises the issues of contract for the provision of tourist services, performing these services and the execution of duties of the tour operator. Consumer protection bodies in tourist services have been talked over from the point of view of the act on tourist services and from the point of view of the provisions of the Civil Code, which are applied in cases of aggrieved consumers of a tourist service at a failure to perform or offering a negligent service by the tour operator.
Ochrona konsumentów usług turystycznych przed niewykonaniem lub nienależytym wykonaniem usługi; Michał Dziadkiewicz; W: Regionalne i lokalne strategie rozwoju turystyki: materiały i studia; red. nauk. Stefan Nowak; Wydawnictwo Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach; Katowice 2012. S.99 - 116; ISBN 978-83-60841-88-4