„Osoba” jako kryterium badawcze
The article undertakes a well-founded attempt of tracing the philosophical interpretation of human being, as well as the methodological status of such interpretation in a perspective of investigating the culture. Undertaken considerations present methodological advantages of the realistic conception of human person. They embrace the genesis of thought which elucidate the man with a category of "person" (here: Greek, Roman, and Christian approaches). Then they concentrate on inalienable parameters of the human personal life, which are elaborated in a light of the philosophical realism (here: cognition, freedom and responsibility, love, agency in law, ontological wholeness, and religious dignity). The further step is to show what predisposes the realistic notion of human person to carry out methodological functions (here: its integrity, realism, and universalism). Finally there are determined conditions of applying the realistic conception of human being as a neutral investigative criterion (here: its negative character).
Paweł Tarasiewicz, „Osoba” jako kryterium badawcze, „Studia Ełckie” 11 (2009), s. 91-101