Inicjacja w doświadczenie czasu. Groteskowe piekło natury - "Wij" Gogola jako kontekst literacki "Wiedźmy" Bolesława Leśmiana
Initiation into the Experience of Time: the Grotesque Hell of Nature. Gogol’s Viy as a Literary Context for Bolesław Leśmian’s The Witch The article explores the topos of the witch, which was extremely popular in the literaturę of Russian romanticism and present, among others, in the writings of Pushkin and Gogol, and which also appears in Bolesław Leśmian prose volume Polish Legends. In particular, the article is concerned with the ways in which Gogol’s use of the grotesque infl uenced Leśmian’s story The Witch. The romantic and modernist versions of the topos of the witch show how the writers of the two epochs approached one of the oldest stereotypes of femininity.
Nalewajk, Ż. (2012). Inicjacja w doświadczenie czasu – groteskowe piekło natury. „Wij” Gogola jako kontekst literacki „Wiedźmy” Bolesława Leśmiana. Tekstualia, 2(29), 45-57.