CAT on MOUSE: Control and automation of temperature for single-sided NMR instruments such as NMR-MOUSE

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dc.contributor.authorMailhiot, Sarah
dc.contributor.authorMankinen, Otto
dc.contributor.authorLi, Jing
dc.contributor.authorKharbanda, Yashu
dc.contributor.authorTelkki, Ville-Veikko
dc.contributor.authorUrbańczyk, Mateusz
dc.contributor.organizationNMR Research Unit, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finlanden
dc.contributor.organizationNIMBE, CEA, CNRS, Université de Paris Saclay, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, Franceen
dc.contributor.organizationLaboratoire Navier (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech—Université Gustave Eiffel), Champs-sur-Marne, Franceen
dc.contributor.organizationInstitute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Polanden
dc.description.abstractTemperature-dependent experiments are a rapidly growing area of interest for low-field NMR. In this work, we present a new device for wide-range temperature control for single-sided NMR instruments. The presented device, called CAT, is simple to build, inexpensive, and easy to modify to accommodate different samples. We present the capabilities of the device using a freezing temperature study of acetic acid/water mixtures. Additionally, we present the stability of the device over long measurement times. We believe that by introducing such a device with an open-source design, we allow researchers to use it in a wide range of applications and to fully incorporate variable-temperature studies in the world of single-sided instruments.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademy of Finland, Grant/Award Numbers: 321701, 340099; H2020 European Research Council, Grant/Award Number: 772110; H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Grant/Award Number: 896824; KAUTE Foundation; National Science Centre, Poland,Grant/Award Number: 2021/41/B/ST4/01286; University of Oulu (Kvantum Institute); Centre for Material Analysis,University of Oulu, Finland
dc.identifier.citationS. Mailhiot, O. Mankinen, J. Li, Y. Kharbanda, V.-V. Telkki, M. Urbańczyk, Magn Reson Chem 2023, 1.
dc.publisherJohn Wiley & Sonsen
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe*
dc.subjectsingle-sided magneten
dc.subjectvariable temperatureen
dc.titleCAT on MOUSE: Control and automation of temperature for single-sided NMR instruments such as NMR-MOUSEen
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