Post-Industrial Places as the Subject of Transdisciplinary Studies. From Design to Rootedness.

The project stems from the need to develop a transdisciplinary research path, in order to radically complement and transform existing coverage of industrial space design with a complex analysis of philosophy and anthropology of a place. Although such a perspective combines previous studies carried out in many fields, it does transgress them. The transition from the concept of design as a purely artistic and social intervention in post-industrial space to design understood as penetration into a complex cultural interpretation of a place – a region, identity of a place, axiological and metaphysical foundations of a community, cultural experience – is crucial for us. Searching for a place, rootedness and home in post-industrial space design requires combining cultural orders of thought and experience – to create a research path which would be sensitive to time and place, cultural and historical depth. Revealing the potential of post-industrial past also became a call for responsible interference in a place
Kunce, A. (red.). (2019). Post-Industrial Places as the Subject of Transdisciplinary Studies. From Design to Rootedness. Gdańsk : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Katedra.
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