Teizm, panteizm i panenteizm a religijność człowieka w świetle metodologii Larry'ego Laudana i Imre Lakatosa

Larry Laudan and Imre Lakatos are two contemporary philosophers of science, who cre-ated methodology of scientific researches allowing to estimate adequacy of scientific the-ories and research programmes to reality. Using Laudan and Lakatos’ methodology the attempt of theism, pantheism and panentheism’s estimation to religiousness of human has been taken. It seems that theism is this methaphysical conception of realtion between God and the world, that fulfils the best the assumption of Laudan and Lakatos’ methodology.
Szopa, R. (2010). Teizm, panteizm i panenteizm a religijność człowieka w świetle metodologii Larry'ego Laudana i Imre Lakatosa. Perspectiva (Legnica), 9(2),219-231.
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