A Research Proposal to Examine Entrepreneurship in Family Business
This paper builds on existng theoretcal and empirical studies in the areas of family business and entrepreneurship. It uses Dubin´s theory building framework to propose a model for conductng research of family businesses and its linkage to entrepreneurial actvites in Mexico. This works starts by describing the concepts of family business and explains the importance that these defnitons can have on the variables to be included in the research. Afer that, the paper explains how the concept of “familiness” relates to the essence defniton of family business. Using the resource-based view (RBV), agency theory, and social capital theories we describe how social capital resources are the basis for building frm capabilites and compettve advantages that influence frm’s performances. Based on this perspectve, a theoretcal model, laws of interacton, a set of propositons and suggestons for further research are provided.
Durán-Encalada, J.A., San Martin-Reyna, J.M., Montiel-Campos, H., A Research Proposal to Examine Entrepreneurship in Family Business. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI), 2012, vol. 8, nr 3 : Managerial and Financial Issues of Mexican Entrepreneurship. Ed. by K. Śliwa, P. Staliński, s. 58-77