„Wolne związki” w świetle adhortacji Amoris laetitia. Wynik uwarunkowań czy wyzwanie duszpasterskie?

The purpose of this article was an attempt at a theological and pastoral reflection on the pastoral accompaniment of persons “living together” (cohabitating). In this ministry, it is necessary to proclaim to these people the "Good News" of marriage and family, which responds to the deep desires of the human heart, and the realization of which is possible thanks to the grace of the sacrament of marriage. Crucial is the missionary attitude that will allow one to evangelize those who are “living together” and to positively motivate them to embrace marriage. In accompanying a particular person, one must support him or her with prayer, and also take into account the "principle of gradualness", discern God's action in his or her life, and help in the gradual spiritual maturation and opening to the grace of the sacrament of marriage.
Yastremskyy, A. (2018). „Wolne związki” w świetle adhortacji Amoris laetitia. Wynik uwarunkowań czy wyzwanie duszpasterskie?. Ateneum Kapłańskie,. 171 (1), 123-132.
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