Region ze słów. Górnośląskie odzyskiwanie głosu

The aim of the articile is to represent and to analyze two of the most important elements of literary and cultural depictions of Upper Silesia in the latest Polish and Czech literature: greenness and blackness.They are two sides of the same coin, which becomes clear when we look at two candidacies for the title of European Capital of Culture from this region: Ostrava (2015) and Katowice (2016) and read the latest Silesian literature (written in Polish, Czech, and Silesian). The author uses the label of “greenness” when she discusses rural and semi-rural areas, as well as parks and gardens in the city; label of “blackeness” – when she discusses cities, industrial and postindustrial areas. “Blackness” and “greeness” also symbolize another type of Silesian discouorse, which is streatched between death, life, and afirmation.
K. Pospiszil, Region ze słów. Górnośląskie odzyskiwanie głosu, „Rocznik Komparatystyczny” 2015, nr 6, s. 229-250.
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