Kohabitacja jako wyzwanie duszpasterskie
Cohabitation lias recently acąuircd the status of an alternative to marriage and family lite. Two people of different sex live together as husband and wite but, aithough iinhampered, do not eontract marriage. In the Polish reality, living without establishing any relationship which would impose the duty of coping the basie social and morał responsibility, beeomes morę and morę popular. Such a situation is a serious challenge faced by the ministry as the priests are expected to present a Christian marriage as a relationship based on the unconditional love and goodwill of the spouses. A tentative relationship does not guarantee a suecess in establishing a strong and steady contractual marriage because it does not satisfy the condition of the total giving oneself to the other person. The naturę of a tentatwe relationship. in which the proper well-being of the partners is not taken into account, is against the substantial principle of marriage. The Church teaches about the naturę of a Christian marriage - as constiluted by God and. therefore, being sacrainental in essence. What is particularly stressed in regard to a Christian marriage is its worth and dignity, as well as the benefits and blessings which. through the marital bliss. are given to the family and to the whole society. The people who are responsible for the preparations of a young couple for their futurę marital life. play a difficult and very significant role. The challenge the ministry faces is mainly educating people to make them understand the supernatiiral and timeless value of a Christian marriage.
Pyźlak, Grzegorz. Kohabitacja jako wyzwanie duszpasterskie. „Roczniki Teologiczne” 52:2005, z. 6, s. 67-76.