Polnische Lernende mit Lese-Rechtschreibstörungen und die Fremdsprache Deutsch
The article discusses the problem of difficulties in developing reading and writing skills in the context of learning the German language as a foreign language. The first part of the text includes the characteristics of the discussed issue: terminology, symptoms appearing while learning foreign languages and the possibilities of support by school involving the proper choice of the foreign language. The main part of the article includes the analysis of the German language – in comparison with English – from the linguistic perspective, in particular from the phonetic and phonological angle, in order to indicate the characteristic features of these languages, which may hinder the learning process of students with particular learning difficulties.
Jaworska M. 2016. Polnische Lernende mit Lese-Rechtschreibstörungen und die Fremdsprache Deutsch, (w:) K. Mihułka, M. Sieradzka, R. Budziak (red.) Die Fremdsprache Deutsch in Polen: Anfänge, Gegenwart, Perspektiven, Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 173–185.