Problemy polskich organizacji pozarządowych w opinii ich działaczy. Część druga – badania terenowe
Over 120,000 non-governmental organizations exist in Poland. Unfortunately, the third sector does not play a significant role in public policy, economy, culture and society. there are many causes, but one of the most important issues is the social workers’ problems. They are related both to external issues (low salaries, low prestige of the profession, fragmentation of the profession, lack of legal facilitation) as well as internal (low motivation of personnel, equity, conflict, professional burnout). So far these problems have rarely been studied. However, the main role in this diagnosis lead research of the Klon/Jawor, which, though little show in the NGO staff matters. The author wonders about the issues of the human resources of NGOs in Poland. He tries to identify, characterize and classify, then present the possibilities for solving the problems. His research is based on criticism of the Klon/Jawor analysis and own research. He puts the general hypothesis: The various problems of NGOs negatively influence the development of the non-governmental sector in Poland. Own search is conducted on the example of four NGOs active in 2009–2014 in Cracow with over 400 people involved. The research takes the form of a case study and is conducted in two ways: participant observation and observation, and in the field research conducted through questionnaire and questionnaire interviews among the collaborators of these 4 Cracow civic organizations. The results of these first studies have already been published. The results of field research are the basis for current analyses, which both provide new information as well as provide a verification method for earlier observational studies and Klon/Jawor analyses.
social problems employee motivation human resource management non-governmental organizations (NGOs) voluntary associations human resources volunteerism employment NGOs (anthropology) employability skills problem solving NGOs funding and management marketing & marketing communications for SMEs & NGOs NGO management social foundations of education organizacje pozarządowe
Lipiec, Stanisław. ‘Problemy Polskich Organizacji Pozarządowych w Opinii Ich Działaczy. Część Druga – Badania Terenowe’. In Organizacje Pozarządowe Na Rzecz Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego, edited by Piotr Majer and Martyna Seroka, 59–107. Olsztyn: Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, 2018.