Forsight and Trends in Construction Project Management
Construction is an industry that is very closely linked to the economy and society as a whole. As such, when developing an understanding of the future of the construction industry, it is important to understand the future of the economy and society as a whole. It is important for organizations within the construction industry and institutions for construction education to remain constantly aware and knowledgeable of the state of the future. The world is changing very fast. A wide range of trends and challenges have a direct bearing on the future of project management. It is very vital to understand those trends, so that the risks can be better managed for construction industry and make the most of emerging opportunities. Project-based work is characterised by high degrees of collaboration. Innovation and creativity are the key components of value creation. Employee expectations and working cultures are changing all the time. The main drivers affecting project management are across social, cultural, environmental, economical, legal, political and technological (SCLEEPT) domains. These domains have to be understood, evaluated and planned strategically for the future. These domains impacts on future work environments, professions and project management approaches. The complex and fragmented nature of the construction industry and the challenges ahead call for different approaches and different innovative tools to succeed in an unpredictable and changing environment. Future studies is to support long-term planning. The aim of this paper is to understand in what extend the topic foresight is being addressed in construction project management literature. It is actually an overview of the phenomena.