Metody zarządzania projektami unijnymi realizowanymi przez uczelnie wyższe
The every third university in Poland is using co-funding of Eu-ropean funds, however not every project carried out is ending with the success, with achieving established effects. From here a question about it also arises in what way projects are being carried out in the higher educa-tion sector and how should be carried out? Methods used for the project management which from one side are thrown seem to have a key im-portance through European Union, from the other side should be possibly best adapted for the kind of the project and environmental conditions, in which the project is being carried out in order to achieve success. This paper presents an analysis of types of EU projects in the field of higher education. The authors have attempted to assign specific projects to different management models, which in the most optimal way to meet the specifics and requirements of the projects. It is worthwhile paying attention to the large variability of surroundings, in which at present projects of universities are being carried out. In this con-text, the traditional management can be applied exclusively with reference to projects which aren't sensitive for changes in external factors. Other types of projects, as has been shown, require a more flexible approach. The use of project management approach adaptive management model that is agile or extreme, can meet the current challenges of organization, as well as give you the flexibility to adapt to external changes.
Baran, M., Kłos, M. (2013). Metody zarządzania projektami unijnymi realizowanymi przez uczelnie wyższe. Tom 14, Z. 11, Część II, "Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie", ss. 7-17.