Propozycja zapisu języka romani (pisownia sulejowska)
The Romani language is being transcribed in various alphabets, including Polish. However, lack of knowledge of the language structure and especially its grammar results in attempts flawed with very arbitrary form, orthographic errors, polonised transcription and misinterpretation of phonetics. The educational authorities have founded a committee which proposed a variant of transcription based on Polish alphabet, simplified in comparison to the ones used in standardised transcription. Its working name is sulejowska transcription (pisownia sulejowska) – after the place where the commettee’s proceedings were held (Sulejówek, close to Warsaw).Ververthane śaj te arakhas i rromani ćhib lekhavdi anda verver alfabète, aj vi and-i polskikani alfabèta. Andar-o biŴanipen e ćhibǎqëre strukturaqëro aj buteder laqëre gramatikaqëro, thàvden but arbitràro fòrme, ortografiaqëre dośa, gaŴǎrde notàcie thaj bihalǒvipen and-i fonètika. E Polskaqëre themutne bare raja akharde jekh komìsia savi dias avri propozàla pala jekh variànta e rromane transkripciaqëri, p-i bàza e gaŴikane alfabetaqëri, sadǎrdi and-i komparàcia e alfabetenqëri, save śaj dikhas and-o standàrdo transkrìpcie. Akharas la maśkar amenθe transkrìpcia e Sulejówaqëri, katar-o anav e thanesqëro kaj kidisàjli i komìsia (Sulejówek, nadur e Varśavaθar).
językoznawstwo kodyfikacja język romski Romowie
Adam Bartosz, Propozycja zapisu języka romani (pisownia sulejowska), "Studia Romologica," 2009, nr 2, s. 153-166.