Order of St. John in the Baltic Sea. Participation of the Order of Malta in the struggle for supremacy in the Baltic Sea

The Order of Malta is the oldest and the most powerful chivalry order. Most of its activity concentrated in the Mediterranean. From the sixteenth century headquarter of the Order has been located in Malta. Rarely, however, are mentioned that the Hospitallers had their interests also in the Baltic Sea. The author of this study shows the role of the Order of Malta which is played in the struggle for Dominium Maris Baltici in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The role of the perfect naval art of war of the Order is underlined and its impact on the Swedish and Russian navy. Special attention is given to the modification used in the Baltic Sea equipment and tactics of war, mainly galleys. Supplemented by information on naval art of war is a brief outline of the history of the Order in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Russia. The study are based on a analyses of a correspondence between Malta, Sweden and Russia in the modern period.
English version
Lipiec, Stanisław. ‘Zakon Św. Jana Na Morzu Bałtyckiem’. In Doktoranckie Spotkania z Historią, edited by Krzysztof Andrzej Kierski, Mateusz Klempert, and Sebastian Nowakowski, 2:57–73. Olsztyn: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski. Instytut Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, 2016.
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