Dajmonizm – czyli poznaj samego siebie. Zjawisko dajmonizmu w polskim Internecie a koncepcja dajmona w trylogii Mroczne materie Philipa Pullmana

The article presents and analyzes a new phenomenon on the Polish Internet: daemonism. Daemonism, which appeared in 2008, is related to the concept of daemons that were created in the trilogy His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. In the trilogy a daemon is a part of a human soul in a form of an animal that coexists with a human being throughout their life, helping them, warning them and directing them on their path to perfection. The film adaptation of the novel (The Golden Compass, 2007) increased the popularity of Pullman’s vision and encouraged fans to look for their own daemons with the use of the Internet. Gradually, the concept of daemons has metamorphosed into daemonism with some elements borrowed from the philosophy of Carl Jung. This new trend involves more than a thousand Internet users, mainly teenagers.
Kleczkowska K., Dajmonizm – czyli poznaj samego siebie. Zjawisko dajmonizmu w polskim Internecie a koncepcja dajmona w trylogii Mroczne materie Philipa Pullmana, „Ex Nihilo” 2014, nr 12, s. 111–137.
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