Sąd cygański w Europie Wschodniej

The theme of the so-called Gypsy court is one of the central and most elaborated one in Romani Studies. To it are dedicated numbers of works, and it gave birth to numerous discussions about the nature of this phenomenon, its contents, functions and origin. The article presents for the first time rich comparative material, gathered among different Gypsy groups in the region of Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe. On this basis the main characteristics and types of the Gypsy court are given and described, and some scientific myths and erroneous assertions connected to the theme are refuted.

I rromani kris sï jekh but mardi tèma and-e rodlǎrimàta pal-o Rroma thaj śaj phenas so sï and-o maśkär e manuśenqëre interesesqëro. But lekhavdilǎs pala laθe anda jekh baro gind publikàcie thaj vi iklistile diskùsie trujal e natùra e fenomenosqëri, lesqëro ander, fùnkcie thaj origìna. O artìklo anglune varaqe sikavel barvali komparatìvo matèria, kidime maśkär verver rromane endanǎ and-i Maśkärutuni, Mesmerutuni-Disǒrigutuni thaj Disǒrigutuni Evròpa. Pe kadi bàza, o artìklo mothovel so si esenciàlo and-i rromani kris thaj save sï vi laqëre vervëra modèli; peravel vi nesave Ŵantrikane ja dośvale afirmàcie pal-e tèma e rromane krisaqëri.
Elena Marushiakova, Vesselin Popov, Sąd cygański w Europie Wschodniej, "Studia Romologica", 2008, nr 1, s. 33-77.
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