Motywy memoratywne dokumentów Kazimierza Konradowica, księcia kujawsko-łęczyckiego

The article focuses on the ideological content presented in documents originated in the chancellery of Kazimierz Konradowic who was the duke of Łęczyca and Kujawy, regions of Poland, in the years 1230–1267. The subject of the analysis are memorative motives, i. e. motives concerning time, memory, oblivion, doubt as well as fragility of the terrestrial matters and the chance to stop the time lapse by asking the divinity for help and intercession. To this day, 71 documents issued in years 1233–1267 by duke Kazimierz have survived. Most of them abound in erudite philosophical and theological reflections about various aspects. This article represents the main part of them that are above‑explained memorative motives.
Drelicharz, G. (2018). Motywy memoratywne dokumentów Kazimierza Konradowica, księcia kujawsko-łęczyckiego. Poliarchia, 2(11), 5–25.
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