Elektroencefalografia (EEG) w badaniu efektywności komunikacji reklamowej

In the era of increased competition between companies, taking care to keep clients and acquiring new ones constitutes one of the greatest tasks for the management of any company. Modern marketing, however, requires from entrepreneurs something more than merely creating new products and services, giving them attractive prices and ensuring their availability. Companies must communicate with current and potential clients. In order to reach target clients successfully and influence their purchasing decisions, marketing specialists apply various forms of communication, including mass communication whose primary tool is advertising. The goal of advertising is to encourage people to buy consumer goods and use various services. Therefore the nature and form of an advertising message determine its reception by potential clients. Proper preparation of advertisements and other promotional materials hugely improves the chances of their positive reception and arousing the interest of clients. The aim of this article is to present the results of a study of advertising communication effectiveness conducted with the use of electroencephalography (EEG). The author argues that the use of this method by a company may significantly improve the management’s existing knowledge on their clients and facilitate the creation of appropriate strategies in the future, e.g. product launch strategies.
Wąsikowska B.: Elektroencefalografia (EEG) w badaniu efektywności komunikacji reklamowej, Konferencja Agile-Commerce, Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi, „Przedsiębiorczość i zarządzanie”, tom XVII, zeszyt 11, część 2, Wydawnictwo SAN, Łódź 2016 r., s. 407-422.
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