Praktyka antropologicznej refleksyjności. Wokół etnografi i Paula Rabinowa, Vincenta Crapanzano i Kevina Dwyera
The focus in my paper is on the way three anthropologists – collaborators, students and heirs of Clifford Geertz and his interpretationist methodology of the “science of Man” – adopted and developed the idea of “refl exive anthropology”. Particular attention is given to their radical objection to what they referred to as a dominant “scientifi c epistemology” of social sciences and to their efforts to replace its philosophical premises and research procedures with a number of iconoclast ideas such as: interpretation and dialogue in lieu of usual monologic discourse of the subject of research disconnected from the examined cultural reality; subjective interpretation instead of the pretense of “objectivism” of the anthropological gaze that reduces the people under study to “objects of research”; and, naturally, adopting a refl exive attitude to fi eldwork, wherein the anthropologist includes in his/her ethnography critical refl ections on the way different cultures represented by a social scientist and his/her interlocutors determine his understanding of cultural meanings and also the way they understand each other in their otherness.
Kruszelnicki, W. (2012). Praktyka antropologicznej refleksyjności : wokół etnografi i Paula Rabinowa, Vincenta Crapanzano i Kevina Dwyera. "Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej", 1(16), s. 55-63.