Walory i niedostatki edycji tekstów staropolskich w XIX wieku. Przypadek poezji Jana Gawińskiego
The article is dedicated to the reception of knowledge of early poetry from the perspective of nineteenth-century editing of Old Polish texts. Using the history of the heritage of Jan Gawiński (seventeenth-century pastoral writer and epigrammatist) as example, the article traces the process of gradual transformation of his historical and literary image. Scholars responsible for the shaping of judgements on Polish literature would formulate epistemic opinions in line with the awareness of their times. The efforts of Enlightenment-era criticism focused on highlighting the pastoral strands of the work by Gawiński. The next generation of academics decided to concentrate on issues of source analysis, which is why the nineteenth century can be called a ‘century of editing’ of the poet from Wielmowice. The peculiar saturation of the book market with various editions of works by the author of "Dworzanki" ("Court Ladies") started a process of absorption of the philologically prepared texts. One result of this phenomenon was an intensification of academic reflection on the poetry of Gawiński. Analysing nineteenth-century editions – even the ones not free from technical flaws – enables one to see the fundamental role of philology in historical literary research.
Głażewski, Jacek (2020). Walory i niedostatki edycji tekstów staropolskich w XIX wieku. Przypadek poezji Jana Gawińskiego. Napis, XXVI (2020), 216–234. http://doi.org/10.18318/napis.2020.1.11