Cogito marzyciela. O Zygmunta Glogera 'Marzeniach samotnika'

The text is a proposal of interpretation of “the landowners poem” by Zygmunt Gloger (1845-1910), written under the title Marzenia samotnika (Dreams of a Loner), published in Warsaw in 1883. The key to understanding the message, discovering the meaning of the text by the writer from Jeżewo, is searched for in the phenomenology of a “night dream” by Gaston Bachelard and the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud. Ta- king such a methodology allows one to argue that the poem, considered by the nine- teenth-century critics and twentieth-century scholars to be the work of small artistic value, conceptual imitativeness and of idealist-Utopian nature, proves to be a narrative carrying a profound poetic-philosophical message, a voice playing an important role in the whole work of Zygmunt Gloger.
Zawarte w: Zygmunt Gloger. Pisarz, myśliciel, uczony. Studia, red. J. Leończuk, J. Ławski, Ł. Zabielski, Białystok 2016.
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