The academic as knowledge purveyor: deontological considerations
The author refers to the results of the research conducted with 2,000 respondents who, in the light of their personal experience, presented their own assessment of academics’ work. Among the received information, the author eventually singled out, for the needs of this paper, the attitudes which referred to the academic as a knowledge purveyor. The process of delivering knowledge is executed through didactic classes, typically in the form of lectures or classes. Analysis of the poll respondents' answers suggests that this process does not always proceed in the way it is expected to. Among the undesirable aspects of lecturers’ attitudes, the students paid particular attention to their lack of preparation for classes, lack of engagement, not holding classes in a content-related way, conducting classes in an incomprehensible or uninteresting way, lack of communicativeness, not observing students’ time, and lack of manners. As far as desirable attitudes are concerned, the students’ primary expectation is the determination of ‘game rules’ at the very beginning of a series of classes. As for further positives, the respondents also paid attention to, among other traits, the teacher’s preparation for classes, professionalism, personal engagement, utilizing interesting forms of transmitting knowledge, interactivity, indicating the source materials for self-study, openness to students’ questions and criticisms as well as to students’ expectations, kindness and supportive attitude shown to students, punctuality, and personal good manners. The above-mentioned good and bad sides of teaching lay certain responsibilities upon an academic. The author tries to articulate the most important ones.
Nowakowski P.T., The academic as knowledge purveyor: deontological considerations, „International Journal of Arts & Sciences” 2010, no. 3 (8), p. 487-495.