A comparison of general education students and special education students in terms of self-efficacy and hopelessness
The aim of this study was to compare general education students and special education students in terms of selfefficacy and sense of hopelessness. Two hypotheses were put forward. Hypothesis 1: Special education students have higher levels of self-efficacy than general education students. Hypothesis 2: Special education students have lower levels of hopelessness than general education students. None of the hypotheses was confirmed. Study showed that there were no differences between general education students and special education students. The survey was conducted in December 2016 and January 2017. The questionnaires were filled by 355 students. Self-efficacy was measured on a self-report, 2-item scale. Hopelessness was measured on 4-item, self-report Short Hopelessness Scale (Beck, A. T., Weissman, A., Lester, D., Trexler, L.).
Atroszko, B.; Swarra, A.; Sendal, L. A comparison of general education students and special education students in terms of self-efficacy and hopelessness. In CER Comparative European Research 2017, 1st ed.; McGreevy, M., Rita, R., Eds.; Sciemcee: London, UK, 2017; pp. 124–127.