Wzrastanie w miłości małżeńskiej w świetle adhortacji apostolskiej papieża Franciszka Amoris Laetitia
In the apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia Pope Francis presents the ways of strengthening conjugal bond – they are meant as the tasks for spouses and as indications for pastoral workers. These ways include: the ability to notice God’s acting in conjugal love, the effort of taking proper care of and of developing conjugal friendship and the care for the joy of love combined with the joy of experiencing and admiring the beauty and holiness of the other spouse. Pope Francis highlights the necessity to appreciate the role of the institution of marriage which consists in concrete demands that determine the firm decision of the mutual affiliation of the spouses. He encourages to maintain constant care for growing and development of conjugal love as it is immersed in the eternal love of God. He notices the importance of the conjugal dialogue and gives advice on how to lead it so that it would be beneficial for the development of mutual love of spouses. He also indicates the need for the integration of emotional life with love and the concern of the spouses for their mutual conjugal life to make it the unconditional and selfless mutual gift of self.