Social-Psychological Features of New Forms Adult Education

In today's world is very acute problems of all persons, regardless of age and status, and throughout his life. In recent years, scientists have found that with age intellectual abilities not only weakened, and even improved.The refore, for people over the age of urgency, problems of formation and development of one's self, the ability to express themselves in front of himself and others, create their own world, new forms of communication with the other, all that have significance and value of human life to the full. Thus, the motivation of adults to education in the XXI century has acquired a qualitatively new color.
Ткач, Т. В. Соціально-психологічні особливості нових форм освіти дорослих: [препринт] / Т. В. Ткач // Післядипломна освіта в Україні. — 2015. — № 1. — С. 45—48.
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