Analiza niestacjonarności systemów WIM
The paper presents the identification method of factors affecting WIM systems accuracy. Air temperature and humidy are considered as main reasons of nonstationarity. The idea of the numerical symulation has been shown as well as data analysis from WIM site at road number 1 in Gardawice.
P. Burnos, “Analiza niestacjonarności systemów WIM,” Pomiary Autom. Kontrola, no. 10, 2006.
Burnos, Piotr. (2006). Analiza niestacjonarności systemów WIM - Analysis of the nonstationary WIM systems. Pomiary, Automatyka, Kontrola. 10bis.
Burnos, Piotr. (2006). Analiza niestacjonarności systemów WIM - Analysis of the nonstationary WIM systems. Pomiary, Automatyka, Kontrola. 10bis.