Troska Kościoła o właściwą postawę młodzieży wobec mediów w dobie rewolucji informacyjnej
The third revolution in the history of the world, after the agricultural and the industrial revolutions, is the information revolution. It has begun in the second half of the 20th century at the moment when personal computers have become widely used. Contemporary young man is a typical representative of the „instant” culture, i.e. the culture of living in immediacy, which is named: fast food, fast sex, fast car. This culture is shaped by the media, which are at the service of information. They form young men, change their mentality, and even become their extension. Modern mass media enter the life of Church and its activity, together with the young man. This situation forces the Church to take the media into account in its pastoral care. Communicating information with modern mass media leaves its most lasting mark in attitudes. An important function in upbringing for media reception is forming the right attitudes and eliminating negative ones. Therefore, the Church undertakes activities for upbringing young people for media reception, shaping the following attitudes: critical, selective reception and creative activity. Pupils must have the knowledge, and also the skill to find their way in the world of media. So that they be helpful in learning and in playing, but first of all, so that they serve to develop personality.
Mielnicki K., Troska Kościoła o właściwą postawę młodzieży wobec mediów w dobie rewolucji informacyjnej, „Studia Teologiczne: Białystok, Drohiczyn, Łomża” 2006, nr 24, s. 221-244.