Nowy świat starej baśni. Jasioł i Mgłosia Waltera Moersa
The article The new world of the old fairy-tale. “Ensel und Krete” of Walter Moers focuses on the novel Ensel und Krete of Walter Moers, which comes into various intertextual interactions not only with the Grimms’ fairy tale but also with fairy tale as a genre. The usage of traditional fairy-tale schemes allows Walter Moers to create an original version or a variation on the theme of Hansel and Gretel and to create a fantastic world. In this world the known, traditional, fairy precepts are challenged. In addition, the story of Ensel and Krete turns out to be an excuse to reflect on the genre, literature, and, moreover, literary culture in a broad sense. The article focuses on selected issues connected with the presence of a fairy tale in a fantastic text and is an attempt to explain the interplay of these two orders.
Urszula Łosiowska, Nowy świat starej baśni. Jasioł i Mgłosia Waltera Moersa, "Creatio Fantastica" 2017, nr 1 (56), s. 25-44